First andforemost, thank you for the invite. In all humility, I am honored to make your acquaintance. As far as your questions:
1. Although alcohol is strictly prohibited, there is no sin in Islam if a muslim accidentally or unknowingly consumes alcohol.
2. One of the most emphasized beliefs in Islam, as stated in the Qur'an, is "There is no compulsion in religion..." So, it is a sin to force anyone to convert to Islam. Islam has to be embraced with a loving and open heart strictly as a means to draw closer to Allah(God).
3. Yes, we are commanded by Allah(God) to be respectful to people of other faiths. Our greatest prophets in Islam were prophets of other faiths(Moses, Jesus, Noah, David, etc...) and Mary, the mother of Jesus is considerd to be one of the 4 perfect women ever created. We cherish and respect all of the Holy books(Qur'an, Bible, Torah, Psalms of David). So to disrespect any of the monothheistic faiths is to disrespect ourselves.
4. A dhimmi is a non muslim that is living under the protection of a Muslim government. The Muslim government is ordered by Allah(God) to defend that person and enable that person to maintain his/her own religion without fear of oppression or or abuse. The Muslim government collects a tax that is agreed upon by the dhimmi and the government.
5. As far as youe last question, I have no idea who that female was who followed you and the gentleman with whom you were speaking. Many times, muslim countries mix their cultures with islam giving a misrepresentation of our faith. This is not an Islamic principle.
Thank you for your honesty and openmindedness and please feel free to contact me at anytime for any concerns. thank you
I use the basketball game to work on teamwork, and air management as well as a little exercise. If someones low air alarm goes off prematurely, that team loses. My guys though I had lost my mind that night.
Laura, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun.
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1. Although alcohol is strictly prohibited, there is no sin in Islam if a muslim accidentally or unknowingly consumes alcohol.
2. One of the most emphasized beliefs in Islam, as stated in the Qur'an, is "There is no compulsion in religion..." So, it is a sin to force anyone to convert to Islam. Islam has to be embraced with a loving and open heart strictly as a means to draw closer to Allah(God).
3. Yes, we are commanded by Allah(God) to be respectful to people of other faiths. Our greatest prophets in Islam were prophets of other faiths(Moses, Jesus, Noah, David, etc...) and Mary, the mother of Jesus is considerd to be one of the 4 perfect women ever created. We cherish and respect all of the Holy books(Qur'an, Bible, Torah, Psalms of David). So to disrespect any of the monothheistic faiths is to disrespect ourselves.
4. A dhimmi is a non muslim that is living under the protection of a Muslim government. The Muslim government is ordered by Allah(God) to defend that person and enable that person to maintain his/her own religion without fear of oppression or or abuse. The Muslim government collects a tax that is agreed upon by the dhimmi and the government.
5. As far as youe last question, I have no idea who that female was who followed you and the gentleman with whom you were speaking. Many times, muslim countries mix their cultures with islam giving a misrepresentation of our faith. This is not an Islamic principle.
Thank you for your honesty and openmindedness and please feel free to contact me at anytime for any concerns. thank you
take care
Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon