I am looking for females to chat with about what it takes to be a fire fighter. I Have always been interested in the job, and would like to get some insight as to what it takes.
HI! I'm so sorry I'm just getting your message. I enjoy being a woman fire fighter very much. I haven't had much trouble at all being the only woman on the department. However, the town I work in has only 500 people and the guys really look out for me. If you want to know more, please email me again. Sandy
Hi Lacey, I've been reading your discussion of get fit for the fire service and would like to invite oyu to my website http://www.firefighterconnection.com. I'm not trying to push anything to sell you but I do have alot of inforamtion of preparing for the testing process to become a firefighter as well as information on physical ablity testing like CPAT. Check it out if you have a minute. Take care and good luck, Roger
I've found the people here are very nice and have found the discussions fun, interesting and some informative ... Some sound like firefighters, some don't ... It's also a great way to see how other areas of the USA and other countries perform firefighting operations ... Looking at the different pics of apparatus's from all over the world is kinda cool too ...
Soon you will get a message from a gentleman named LEO CARTWRIGHT from VICTORIA AUSTRALIA ... He's looking to trade patches with you. "DO NOT SEND HIM ANYTHING" ,,,, He uses the excuse, he can't get "NEW MAIL" as a way to avoid answering your e-mails after you send him stuff ...
He sends a message to all "New Members" asking to trade but doesn't follow threw on his end of the bargain ... He's stiffed a lot of people on this site including me so I'm making it my mission to let every new member know so you don't get taken like so many of us already have ...
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I've found the people here are very nice and have found the discussions fun, interesting and some informative ... Some sound like firefighters, some don't ... It's also a great way to see how other areas of the USA and other countries perform firefighting operations ... Looking at the different pics of apparatus's from all over the world is kinda cool too ...
Soon you will get a message from a gentleman named LEO CARTWRIGHT from VICTORIA AUSTRALIA ... He's looking to trade patches with you. "DO NOT SEND HIM ANYTHING" ,,,, He uses the excuse, he can't get "NEW MAIL" as a way to avoid answering your e-mails after you send him stuff ...
He sends a message to all "New Members" asking to trade but doesn't follow threw on his end of the bargain ... He's stiffed a lot of people on this site including me so I'm making it my mission to let every new member know so you don't get taken like so many of us already have ...
Be safe, god bless and enjoy the site,