Joe Rhome
  • Male
  • Novi, MI
  • United States
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  • john
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp
  • DUST

Joe Rhome's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Novi, Michigan FD
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
A lot of planning and safety team experience over the years, but Novi proved to be a generous department when my family moved here. They hired me, and then paid for all of my Academy and Medical EMS training. Classy organization.
My Training:
Michigan Firefighter 1 and 2, Emergency Vehicle Driver Course. Engineer/Engine Pumper. Surface Water and Ice Rescue Technician.Emergency Medical Technician. Paramedic Student. HAZMAT Team Member/Currently at Operations Level.Elevator Rescue.Confined Space Rescue. FEMA ICS-100,200,700,800. Associate in Applied Science Degree.90 Credit Hour Senior at U of Mich. Journeyman Millwright. Licensed Realtor. Flashover and Entanglement trained.Lock out and power isolation expert
About Me:
Happily married for 20 years to my High School sweetie who gets better looking every day. 2 children, a 14 year old boy, and a 12 year old girl.Started my adult life in Steel Mills, and became a Journeyman Millwright. Started a real Estate Firm with my wife in 2004, and my wife now exclusively runs the business. She is top 1% in Oakland County Michigan, and Number 22 in Southeast Michigan. I am a Skilled Tradesman at the Detroit Chrysler N. Jefferson Assembly Plant, where the Grand Cherokees are made. I joined the fire service at age 38 as a Part Time/Paid-On-Call Firefighter in my home town, and have loved every minute of it. Best job in the world when you genuinely make bad days better for people.
Day Job:
UAW Mechanical Journeyman Millwright/ Mechanical Tradesman. Chrysler group LLC
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
http://On a Facebook break right now, but I will be back soon.
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Felt like a calling/ Some are cut of this cloth....NOT for the money. When asked why I became a Fireman at age 38,I still don't know exactly why....I just know it felt right from day 1.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The feeling after improving someone's worst day
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Economy/Pay/Benefits/Staffing/and general ignorance among a lot of Americans about what life for everyone with a net worth less than $3 Million would turn into if Unions were ever destroyed and done away with.

The Job

Public service as a Firefighter, Police Officer, and/or EMS Worker must be the best job in the world. How many other occupations can you think of that some people are willing to spend their own time and money to do, just for the privilege to do it, and not get paid....And by not getting paid, I mean 100% volunteer, auxiliary, paid on call, and career, because nobody does this for the money, and the money is never enough for the work Public Servants perform.  Any volunteer Mechanical engineers, mechanics, architects, assembly line workers out there? To be a paid on call Firefighter or Auxiliary Cop, around here at least, is a very competitive process, with only about 9% of interviewed applicants getting the job. If done for the right reasons, what can be better than helping out your fellow man and making your community a better place? Keep up the good work brothers and sisters. And remember this..."The bad guys, the Patients' trauma or illness, and the Fire itself doesn't stop to ask if you are a Full Time, Paid, Union represented Career Cop , EMT, or Firefighter. They just want to hurt and kill, and it is your job to stop them."

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At 6:59am on August 28, 2012, DUST said…

Thanks for the pic. comments.  Stay safe, brother!

At 12:18pm on August 22, 2012, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…

Welcome to Firefighter Nation Joe.   I am glad you joined the group. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.

Chief William Sharp

Brookings Fire / Rescue


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