Level One; Auto Extracation; Advanced Auto Extracation; NIMS; EMT-Basic; EVOC
About Me:
I am a law enforcement officer, volunteer firefighter and EMT-B, father of 3, and grandpa to three. I am very busy but always fine time to ride my CAN AM Outhlander MAX 800.
Day Job:
Federal Corrections Officer/Former street cop.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My grandfather was a paid firefighter. He was my idol and mentor. I joined to continue his legacy of giving more than receiving in life.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love being a firefighter because if I dont answer the call...who will?
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Training. Money...for everything. Retention of the old guard. Getting new people to answer the call.
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Jimmy, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.
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Stay safe!
Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon