  • 37, Male
  • pearlington
  • United States
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Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder, Driver / Engineer, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
working on a year.
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Pearlington, MS
Years With Department/Agency
one year
Dept. Web Site:
About Me:
I'm a rookie looking for training and action...
Day Job:
Student (english ed major) and buisness owner
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Save People...Why Else?
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The honest look a person gives you when they are truely grateful.

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At 8:25pm on March 12, 2009, Scott Runkel said…
Hey Drew,
Long time no see. So I hear Dan's resigned from Hancock Hope. Any guess as to why? Well I'd like to plan another trip down to West Hancock FD in late July/August but not sure who to talk to now that Dan's out. Well let me know if you think that would be a possibility.
Layter Bro,
At 10:04am on January 15, 2009, Christopher Kurtz said…

Dan has resigned from Hancock Hope. Major bummer....

Has he spoken with or contacted anyone from Mississippi?

I haven't been able to get a hold of him.
At 9:02am on November 10, 2008, Christopher Kurtz said…
In my last post, pimped should be "pumped" we definitely are NOT pimped...
At 8:50am on November 10, 2008, Christopher Kurtz said…
I hope we'll get to see you guys soon! Hey, Hancock Hope Response Team is getting organized. Website coming soon! We hope to be able to run more operations and give our brothers needed gear for a long time to come. We're looking for corporate partners to help with funding so we can keep on going. Maybe if you had time someday we could go on an op somewhere together. That'd be sweet... Good times and good work. (Secretely, I think of it as firefighter tourism. Is that wrong?) Longer term, I'd like to get trained to fight forest fires and go out west. Any way, Dan and I are gettiogn really pimped by the prospect of really developing this into a nationwide, respite and support service for our brothers. All indications are that people love the idea, and they want to help. I could go on and on. Dude stay in touch, I hope to see you guys again soon! Tell everyone hey for me!
At 11:53am on October 30, 2008, Christopher Kurtz said…
Hey man! Cool fire experience on Sunday. I was backing up the nozzle man on the initial attack line. It got hot and smoky... We train real hard. We kicked ass because of it.

Talk to you soon.

Seen any good flix? How's school?

Keep in touch dude.

Hope to see you guys soon.
At 10:54am on October 1, 2008, Christopher Kurtz said…
Wife and kids are great! Thanks for asking! I'll keep you posted. I really look forward to coming back down again sometime soon. How are things at the hall?
At 2:15pm on September 22, 2008, Christopher Kurtz said…
Hope all's well! Stay in touch! Cool pics on your page dude. How's your way hot gf doing?

At 8:09pm on September 17, 2008, Christopher Kurtz said…

Pleasure meeting you. Haven't seen any of the movies you recommended, but when I do you'll get a review.

Chris Kurtz
52 HFD
At 12:07am on August 17, 2008, Scott Runkel said…
Hey Drew,
Those items have been removed. My sincerest apologies-my intention was never to hurt anyone's feelings or smear the reputation of WHFD. I hope this issue is done-although Mike told me there are legal issues taking place-if that's true, again I apologize for getting you all messed up in a little fire-house prank.
At 12:14am on September 7, 2007, Firefighter Nation WebChief said…

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Web Chief


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