Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning importate the
border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help.
Greetings from Mexico
Hi Hugo, I’m a retired Fire Chief and understand the importance of health & fitness for our responders. I joined FF Nation to share my incredible wellness story with everyone. Fitness is only a part of the equation; internal wellness is the real essential for healthy responders. Many of us need to get healthier. If you’re interested in more information about this life changing program please send me an email at: John@IncidentMT.com
Thanks, John
POO PRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey Hugo! how've you been? alls well here on my end of Texas!!im just struggling finding a job.. i might go wildland firefighting to get my foot into the federal system but no luck yet he Fitzy is on this site too im gonna add him well KIT and be safe brother!! till another BudLight!! zeke
At 11:47am on January 26, 2009, Denise Co 29 said…
Welcome to the nation from Berks County, Pa. Lots of great stuff on this site. Enjoy and stay safe.
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that how are you.
single step to greet and wish you a good week ...........
like these I hope that very well thanks to accept I hope we are in contact... a great hug from Mexico
cesar o

Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning importate theborder is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help.
Greetings from Mexico
Thanks, John