Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Ogdensburg Volunteer Rescue Squad ...North Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps....
My Training:
CFR...EMT....Basic, Level II...and finally Paramed... Also an ICU/ER Nurse and a member of the transport team...Nationally cert in acls....CCRN....CEN..then comes FF1,FF2, Cause and Origin, FF Survival,EVOC,ISO,Fire Police,Propane Emergencies,Live Fire Evolution Operations,Tech Rescue, High Angle Rescue...
About Me:
Love to be involved....never say quit
Day Job:
Registered Nurse
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Enjoyed "giving back" to my community. Always enjoyed a challenge.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Respect among the youth and our brothers and sisters in the fire service
Top Issues Facing Responders:
LODD....and the use of SEAT BELTS in our apparatus...one life lost is one too many....
OK...Here's one for the masses....when someone tells you to "Keep the Faith" what does it mean to you...? I know what it means to me......I see this phrase used a great deal here and started to wonder what it meant to others...anyone care to share....?? Promise with this thread no-one will cut your heart out on your response...Stay safe and KEEP THE FAITH......Paul
Didn't mean to give the impression that I was a probie, I kind of gave that up awhile ago. LOL. I, like you, tend to get worked up over the idiotic postings of wannabes and "look at me my Chief is picking on me" people that post quite often here. I try and hold my tongue but have occasionally fired off a comment or two. I hope that the site can go back to being one where we can have intelligent exchanges over topics that are important to our trade, until then I prefer to hover in the back ground and exchange emails with a select few that have shown themselves to be what I like to think of as a seasoned understanding firefighter. Thanks for accepting my request. TCSS
bigger tools, aye? well currently your avatar is a ghost of a man - with no hint of tools in sight... so anything would be an improvement... plus, as you reflected earlier - it truly represents your character...
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