My training is to long to list but I love to train and go to trainings where ever I can get the opportunity.
About Me:
I have been a Volunteer Firefighter from Lakeview & Ontario Oregon when I was in College and now in Klamath falls. I am currently working on getting into school for my EMT Basic. I have 3 wonderful boys and a wonderful wife who are all the pride and joys of my life. We all hunt fish and camp and have a great time doing so. I have great support from my family in being a Volunteer fireman but am thinking about making it a career. Its like the NFL, why not get paid to do something I love to do. I also coach with my wife in some of our childrens sports so we are a really tight knitted family.
Day Job:
Work at Klamath County Juvinile Department
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love to give back to the community, I do it for the people and for the love of the job itself. Im a 4th generation Firefighter and have been doing it since I was 16. The best payment of the job alone is a simple thank you. If we cant be there for the people then who would be to give the care we give today.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love to help people/fellow firefighters.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I believe that today we need to be more aware of the May Day Training and what we do if we have a man down and not enough Radios to go around. I know Communication is a huge issue and it will continue to be an issue till we can get the kinks worked out. This will take years but it can happen. RIT training is also another important issue. I feel the most important issue though would be working with your surrounding agencies granted you may not get along but it may be that neighboring agency that is going to pull your butt out of a building and teamwork and training and being on the same page is a great tool in life. We all are here to do the same job so we all need to get along no matter if we are paid/Volunteer or Combo Departments we all want to help others, protect lives and save property.
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Dusty, yes we did have a great time over the holiday. Heading for Eugene in the morning to pick up our new Engine to bring it home. Will be glad when its here and we have it in service.
Dusty, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.
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Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon