!!!!! N.V.F.D. Gun Giveway!!!!!
This Ticket Entitles the Holder a Chance To Win In the - Newell V.F.D Gun Giveaway 2009
6 Guns - 5 Cash Prizes & A Camo Package Totaling $3,000.00
Drawing Every 10 Minutes· Only 2500 Tickets to be Sold
Drawing Date: Sunday, September 20th, 2009 at the Wells Building in Newell
* Doors Open at 11:30 AM - Drawings at 1:00 PM *
Early Bird Drawing at 12:50 PM for tickets purchased before Apri/30.
*Donation: $5.00 each - Guns purchased from Big G Sports * ANY QUESTIONS ON HOW TO GET THESE TICKET'S EMAIL ME AT THARPY_2@YAHOO.COM OR CALL 1-304-374-7013 ASK FOR DON OR CALL 1-304-387-0795 AND ASK FOR JUSTIN OR DAVE ... THANKS
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We got stood down on the first and had a car fire for the second.
So not too bad of day. But you know when you get two, there's normally a third looming...

Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning important the Border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help.Greetings from Mexico.
you’re new friend Filiberto.
Bill Sharp
Southern Oregon coast
Have a great weekend!