Fire fighting search and rescue, emergency driving, EMT Basic, line/rope rescue, chemical/hazmat decomtamination and containment, Incident Responce Unit trained, water rescue, fire safety and risk assessment, Crew Commanders courses completed.
About Me:
I am honest, reliable, adaptable, hard working team player, deeply religious, a family man with a good sense of humour. I like to oraginsie charity events. Last year I co=organised a humanitarian aid venture to supply Albania with 2 fire engines/trucks equipment and training to the fire fighters there who basically have next to no equipment and training, until last year they did not have B.A. crash rescue equipment or even basic fire protection clothing(Turn out gear/kit) at least now now four towns have basic fire cover. I am now starting to organise another venture for next September 2011. All offers of help and or donations would be gratefully received.
Day Job:
As well as being a veteran Fire-fighter I run a property maintanance company.
It's in my blood, I'm a fourth generation Fire-fighter, since I knew what a fire-fighter was as a small child, I just knew that's what I wanted to be. I have have a strong humanitarian spirit and love to help people coupled with a love of adventure, what better choice of career is there?
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Dave, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.
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It is cool to see what goes on in the world of fire safety, supression, information, tech., etc. thanks for sharing, Mike
Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon