Charles D Arnold
  • Male
  • Dayton, OH
  • United States
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Charles D Arnold's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Job Function
Fire Marshal
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
State Fire Marshal (Ohio)
Years With Department/Agency
6 years with State Fire Marshal (Ohio)
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Washington Twp Fire Department (Montgomery County)
My Training:
Training Related To My Current Position:
Fire Safety For Younger Children
Fire Safety For Older Children
Fire Safety For The Elderly
Fire Safety For Healthcare Facilities
Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Educator
About Me:
My life story is one that would make a good made for TV movie. But in a nutshell I am a 40 year old Fire Safety Educator for the State Of Ohio Fire Marshal. Never what I thought I would be doing at this point in my career but this is a move that was forced upon me by circumstances.
Back on 1/12/98 I was working my shift At Washington Twp FD Station 41 (Montgomery County Ohio). Well to make a long story short I am told that the whole Miami Valley was being hit with a major ice storm on that date ( I have no memory of this whole ordeal because I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury). At 6:30am shortly after starting my shift my engine was called out to I675 at the Wilmington Pike overpass for a one car auto accident. So Bob Otoole and I responded on eng 41. (back then it was common to run an engine with 2 people and that morning we were doing just that because our Lt was off ( his mom died the night before)
Well we got to the scene so it was my engine (eng 41) and (eng 44) and the attack engine (attack 41) a small two man cab engine that went on all calls and (medic 44). There was also two Centerville police officers with us. So moving along we got the lady involved in the accident out of her car and helped the medic crew load her into the medic. I am told that the thought was everyone left one the scene was standing back at the car preparing it to be towed.
When we were hit by another car traveling down I675 they estimate that we were hit at 60 mph . The next thing I know I wake up from a coma two months later at Miami Valley hospital and my Chief told me that I was involved in an accident I dont remember to this day and I was the only survivor. Now there is alot more to tell but that is it in a nutshell and here I am working for the State Fire Marshal. After my accident I wanted to stay in the Fire service because It gives me a feeling of connection to my partners and friends. But I was unable to continue my career as a Firefighter / paramedic. Even after two LOOONG years of rehab such as learning to walk again, and more thearpy then I ever want to mention I still had to give up the line and go into a support role in the fire service. EDUCATION seemed to be a way because of all my limitations. But I have learned to enjoy what I am doing because it allows me to stay apart of the fire service
Day Job:
Fire Safety Educator State Fire Marshal
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
http://I witness
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Because it is one of those rare jobs that when you are done you can look back and see the difference you made in somebodys life
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Look at comments under Why I joined Fire/EMS
Top Issues Facing Responders:
SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY In my humble opinion

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At 8:54pm on February 15, 2010, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Charles, Welcome to the FF Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.

Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon
At 5:35pm on February 15, 2010, Clyde R Chapman said…
Thats quite a story -thanks for posting it.
I am an old timer myself with lot's of stories to tell.
See my pictures for my world wide firefifgters badge collection.

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