State of Indiana Firefighter I/II
State of Indiana Inspector
State of Indiana Instructor II/III
State of Indiana Investigator
State of Indiana Fire Officer I
NFA Safety Officer
About Me:
Try to be a good Husband and an EXCELLENT Father to three great kids. Also serve as the President of a local Motorcycle Club, Vice-President of a local fire school and Captain on the County Tech. Rescue Team.
Day Job:
Spending time with my kids and working on my house.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I am a third generation firefighter and have been around the fire service my entire life. I believe that one doesn't chose to be a firefighter it chooses you. We are the ones that change lives and that every little kid at some point in their lives wants to be just like us and every grown up wishes they were us. One of the things that scares me the most is the day that they tell me I can no longer be a firefighter!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The fire service truley is America's first responders and we have the most impact on every life that we come into contact with. This is a gift that not everyone will ever get to experience.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Health and Safety
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Under current state investigation, the fire experts and experts in the cause which led to the fire when firefighters resulted in Syke, assuming that it was arson acts. References to a potential polluter is currently not available. From reasons by the police no further information be made. Still, the work of the investigators at the scene of fire continued
incredibly! the fire station is 14 years ago have been burned!
once I know something, i tell you what happened, because the investigations are still ongoing.
we want to fly on july 02. frank remains until july 07, jürgen too, but he is still not sure.
I would stay to 25 July, when it is convenient for you and your family is ok?
you can determine a training is taking place in the time?
I am very glad to see brothers of the portage fd and if the offer still valid, even with you to drive some fires.
hi brother, my chief has give me the O.K. to make "holiday"! :-)
also i had talk to frank, he want to come visit you to, but only for one week. jürgen want to come too, but he don´t know it?! next week we want to trink some beer and talk about our "tour", when jürgen is drunked, i will convince him, to order a ticket ! :-)
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i can´t believe it to visit my brothers in U.S. !
best regards from germany
i have to tell you an sad information, the wife from our retired chief theo is died.
stay safe
your brother from germany
once I know something, i tell you what happened, because the investigations are still ongoing.
we want to fly on july 02. frank remains until july 07, jürgen too, but he is still not sure.
I would stay to 25 July, when it is convenient for you and your family is ok?
you can determine a training is taking place in the time?
I am very glad to see brothers of the portage fd and if the offer still valid, even with you to drive some fires.

sorry mms-service dont works!also i had talk to frank, he want to come visit you to, but only for one week. jürgen want to come too, but he don´t know it?! next week we want to trink some beer and talk about our "tour", when jürgen is drunked, i will convince him, to order a ticket ! :-)
so the party is going on, or the party part two!
i hope his wife let him go! i talk with them, so fast i can.
your hear from me, when it´s done
stay safe brother
or i must sleep in a tent?! :-)
is the airport Chicago, Midway (MDW) USA?
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