Bruce M Chapman
  • 62, Male
  • Epping NH
  • United States
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  • Matthew Kimball
  • carl chapman
  • Clyde R Chapman
  • Darren Somers
  • Philipp Huss
  • Jim aka Bick
  • Firefighter Nation WebChief

Bruce M Chapman's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Epping NH
Years With Department/Agency
24 years
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Certified Level 3 Fire Fighter,Fire Instructor,Fire Inspector,Certified Fire Officer 2, Hazmat Tech,EMT-I,Deputy EMD. Bruce Mast school of leader ship.
About Me:
I have lived in the town of Epping for 49 yrs, I am married and have 4 daughters. I joined the fire department in 1984 and have been an active member since, i guess you could say it is in my blood now. I believe that everyone has a destiny in life and mine was to serve the public.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was approached by the ex chief one day while he was testing hydrants, he asked me to join . From that day the fire /ems service has become my life.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I enjoy knowing that what i do helps other people
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Budget cut backs And ego problems problems between call firemen, and professional fire fighters, we all need to remember that we all have the same training, and we are there for the same reason.

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Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 9:17am on August 28, 2015, David Gay said…

Hi Bruce,

Remember me????

At 11:06am on May 4, 2012, carl chapman said…

hi bruce  my name is carl chapman and live in albion ME.  just saying hi   i go throw epping NH every week may be can stop by for a visit at your fire house some time .. well be safe and ttul   have a grate week end


At 9:01am on September 17, 2009, Darren Somers said…
cheers for accepting me as a friend! didnt think you would after my rant, its just something that gets to me because i dont get much suuport from my external family as in brothers and cousins even down to my parents. because we're technically part time i get a lot of stick about what we actually do. on the other hand i have a great suport network at home, my wife and two children are behind me 100% and tell me they are proud of me no matter what! all that aside i now can turn to FFN knowing that theres a bigger support network out there for me comin gfrom people who know what it takes to do what we do. for that i will always be grateful, stay safe and take care of you and yours!!
At 12:48pm on September 12, 2009, Darren Somers said…
hi just wanted to say hello and clear up the misconseption about retained firefithgters and their training, initiaaly do two week recruit course where everything is thrown at you. from ladder drills to pump drills as far as road traffic collisions. its a hell of a lot to take in if your succesful you then move forward to B A initial wearers training again two weeks which is pass or fail and your gone from there its on to first responder traing ( E M S ) . the best way to learn is experience which you only get on the run. retained brigades carry a pager at all times that is connected to a central control that alerts them to an incident,we then have to respond to our fire house and get rolling. it just means that you carry on with daily life until your pager beeps then your being called to service. i would love to go full time in the service when the option arrises but it doesnt change anything for me i love what i do now. take care and stay safe.
At 7:22pm on February 5, 2009, peter laurimore said…
welcome to the group ... i have a road king custom here in california so i ride almost year round.
At 7:31pm on February 24, 2008, Jim aka Bick said…

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