Fire fighter 1 & 2 EMT basic working on Medic Haz Mat ops
Day Job:
sub contractor
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I grew up around firefighters my whole life my father a 26 year vet. Has now become the chief of our little 25 mandepartment. I have ran everything from full time EMS to Full time paid on call and even volunteer fire departments both in michigan and south east Ohio.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The trill of being able to help people in need, Also the commrodarer of fellow fire and ems personel
I have a set of morning pride bunker and coat tan with yellow reflective worn maybe twice on accidents never fire. I had bought them for the department I am on and we just recieved new gear so I have no use for them anyone interrested email me asking $800.00 or best
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