Brad Cash
  • 46, Male
  • Sanford, NC 27330
  • United States
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  • Bob 473
  • Melanie11782
  • Paul Toomey
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  • David Buchanan
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  • Joel Neal
  • Christopher Brewer
  • firefighter739
  • brad
  • Michael


Profile Information

Type of Organization
Private EMS
Job Function
Captain, EMT - Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
FirstHealth of the Carolinas, Pittsboro, North Carolina
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
East Chatham Rescue Squad.
My Training:
Started with ERT training.
Associates Degree in EMS
Working on Bachelors Degree now.
NIMS 100, 200, 300, 400, 700 and 800.
About Me:
I started at East Chatham Rescue Squad in December of 1997. I changed schools and programs and went to Sandhills Community College and received my Associates Degree in EMS. I started part time with FirstHealth in Nov. of 1999 and went full time the following Feb. while in school. I am currently Senior Paramedic for my shift, which is Ass. Supervisor. I am also currently attending Western Carolina University via their online bachelors degree program in Emergency Medical Care.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Joined the local rescue squad and decided that I really like helping people and the pre-hospital environment. So I went and received my Associates Degree.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping and meeting people.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
EMS is an every changing world, so stay up to date on the current issues and new equipment out there. You never know when you will need the knowledge or training you have received. Care for the public as best as you can. As emergency service workers, we see people at there worst time, so have some compassion.

Brad Cash's Blog

When God Made Paramedics!!!!!

Posted on March 8, 2008 at 1:40pm 2 Comments

When the Lord made Paramedics, he was into his sixth day of overtime, when an angel appeared and said, "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one." And the Lord said, "Have you read the specs on this order? A Paramedic has to be able to carry an injured person up a wet, grassy hill in the dark, dodge stray bullets to reach a dying child unarmed, enter homes the health inspector wouldn't touch, and not wrinkle his uniform." "He has to be able to lift 3 times his own weight, crawl into… Continue

About Me!!!!

Posted on January 15, 2008 at 1:42am 0 Comments

Hello Everyone,

My name is Brad Cash. I am a 29 y/o paramedic that works in Chatham County for FirstHealth of the Carolinas. I have a wonderful family, my wife Heather, my daughter Felicity and our son Hunter. We live in Sanford, NC. I have been a paramedic for almost 8 years now. I am currently the Senior Paramedic on my shift. I am currently trying to finish my Bachelors Degree from Western Carolina University in their online program. I love the program very much. I am hoping to go to… Continue

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 5:15pm on February 28, 2009, Southern Chick said…
hey there i saw that you live in sanford, thats where my parents live so i thought i would just stop in and hello! well take it easy and stay safe!
At 10:03pm on March 16, 2008, Megan said…
Hey crazy butt! How are you? I can't believe how the children have grown. Miss ya boys in Chatham. Take care
At 12:46am on January 17, 2008, Thomas said…
Hi working for them is good. All depts have there problems and Horry County is no different. Right now I'm a volunteer at station #7. Everybody that works there is cool and I get along with them great. I hope to go career in February. To put it in plain english. I enjoy being a part of Horry County Fire / Rescue. I hope that helped.
At 9:28am on January 3, 2008, Barry Sigmon said…
welcome to FFN my NC friend
At 12:35am on December 14, 2007, Christopher Brewer said…
ad me bitch
At 6:58pm on December 11, 2007, firefighter739 said…
thanks for the request.... have a happy holiday and stay safe... if possible drop a line of any upcoming classes that you may hear of..... stay safe ff739
At 8:57am on November 7, 2007, Michael said…
Baltimore is as busy as always; our murder rate is at 275 for the year. The folks here just don't play nice. Good to see all is good with you and your family, post when you can...Mike AKA The Dog 1747
At 1:27pm on October 22, 2007, Michael said…
Nice photo of your family. Talk soon...The dog 1747.
At 11:02pm on October 18, 2007, Engi209neeR said…
hi, i started a group called West NC Firefighters, i would like to invite you to join, take care and be safe!

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