Bobby Hunter
  • Male
  • Poolesville, MD
  • United States
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carol jacques left a comment for Bobby Hunter
"I live in NH and am looking for a few more patches from out west.  WA, WI,WY,NV,NE, IO,KN,KY,MI,   Any help would be good. I have a few myself from Maine, MA and Quebec, Canada if interested thanks so much"
Feb 20, 2020

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Cabin John Park VFD (Former member)
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Member of the Upper Montgomery County VFD for 3 yrs while with my primary dept CJPVFD. Joined the UMCVFD to help out my hometown dept do the the low number of volunteers at the time.
About Me:
I'm a 32 years old Vol who just finishing up my 15th year as a volunteer. I joined the CABIN JOHN PARK VFD on my 16th birthday where I'm carring on the family tradition on my dads side where along with my cousin I am part of the 3rd generation firefighter. My grandfather started as a volunteer FF and then became the fone of the first paid firefighters with the Cabin John Park VFD. My grandmother is a 40+ year Ladies Aux Member with the CJPVFD, My Dad and uncle started their service with the CJPVFD as volunteer, my father also went on to be a career Firefighter with the Montgomery County F/R Service where he retired as a Capt with 28 yrs of service and continues to be a volunteer today. My unlce contiues to be a member of the CJPVFD now service again as the President of the CJPVFD. My cousin spent yrs at CJPVFD as a Vol. FF as well as awith a few othwer depts and now is a career FF with the Naval District of Washington FD. Within my family I also have 2 cousins who also joined the Fire/Rescue Service with one now a nurse and the other a career Firefighter with the Montgomery County F/R Service and recently was ppromoted to a Lt assigned to the 3rd Battalion.

There is nothing I enjoy or love more then serving my community and others as a vol. FF.
Day Job:
Owner/Operator of a Lawn Care/ Landscaping Company
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It is in my blood, its a family tradition so I grow up around it and there is nothing better in this world then being a firefighter. Its an advanture, its a choice, its a way of life, its touching peoples lives when they are in need the most. Way wouldn't you do it...
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Most importantly is Staffing for safe operations. Yes Fighting fires is a dangerous job but why make it worse by cutting staffing or not being able to provide the approperite staffing from the start.

The second thing is funding. I've been lucky to be a member of a dept in a "rich" county and who's first due is full of the Washington D.C area's rich & famous where money was no object...Then I've also been a member of a dept where you had a fund raiser every week just to keep the lights on in the firehouse and apparatus on the roads. Duct tape became a everyday fix all around there.

With the threat of Terrorist acts and threats a part of daily life, Our first responders are going to be front and center and need all the resources and funding they can get to not only provide daily Fire & Rescue Service but also be prepaired for this threats.

Some depts are barely able to keep their members protected with the proper PPE, apparatus fueled and in working condition and the lights on at the firehouse, So funding for other Fire/Rescue related services or national emergencys are the last thing they can afford.

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At 6:01pm on February 20, 2020, carol jacques said…

I live in NH and am looking for a few more patches from out west.  WA, WI,WY,NV,NE, IO,KN,KY,MI,   Any help would be good. I have a few myself from Maine, MA and Quebec, Canada if interested thanks so much

At 2:21am on July 8, 2011, Andrew said…
trade patches

Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches.

At 10:25pm on February 19, 2011, Emmanuel Franche said…

I am a Lieutenant firefighter of a fire department in Québec, CANADA. I'm interested to exchange patch of my FD with you.
If you will be glad to swap patches with me, contact me or my address is:
Emmanuel Franche
Sorel-Tracy FD
72 Colette
Sorel-Tracy, Qc
Canada J3P 6R6

Hope to hear from you soon on this.

Thanks and Stay Safe!

At 10:34pm on August 17, 2010, Martin Johnson said…
Hi Bobby,
I'd like to swap patches with you. I have 3 different, unused Winnipeg FD and a couple of DND patches to trade.
contact me at

Martin Johnson
Winnipeg, Manitoba
At 9:45pm on February 2, 2010, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Bobby, welcome to Firefighter Nation. Glad you dropped in to join. Lots to do, read and become involved with here.You will get out of this what you put into it. Your involvement here is important to us all.

Chief William Sharp
Brookings Oregon

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