Dix Greenhouse

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Comment by Edmund Ford Power 3rd on September 1, 2010 at 7:11pm
That is good news that no one got hurt.
Comment by Edmund Ford Power 3rd on September 1, 2010 at 7:09pm
Well duh. Of corce.
Comment by Edmund Ford Power 3rd on September 1, 2010 at 7:08pm
Comment by Norm Tindell on August 31, 2010 at 5:41pm
This might be a good one for "Caption This." Fantastic picture!
Comment by Jason Stam on August 30, 2010 at 10:00pm
The fire happened during business operation, and nobody was hurt. The part of the building were the fire started stored all the plastic containers they used for the plants.
Comment by Edmund Ford Power 3rd on August 30, 2010 at 7:24pm
Was any one inside? and did any one get hurt?

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