MBVFD Firefighter Patrick Gorman, EOW

MBVFD Firefighter Patrick Gorman, EOW

On June 18th, 2018 the Melbourne Beach Volunteer Fire Department hosted a sunset remembrance service for MBVFD Firefighter Patrick Gorman, who passed away on Wednesday, June 6th, in an off-duty incident. The service was led by MBVFD Deputy Fire Chief Gavin Brown and MBVFD Fire Chaplain Roy Shaff. In attendance were Patrick’s Mother and Father, his close friends, the Mayor of Melbourne Beach, and multiple other local Fire & Law Enforcement agencies.
Patrick was born in New Jersey in 1991, and later moved down to Melbourne Beach with his mother Mary Beth, father Michael, and two brothers Kevin and Wesley. While in school, he was active in the Boy Scouts of America, and would later go on to earn the rank of eagle scout w/ brass palms. Even at that age, Patrick was always looking for ways to help people. His eagle scout project can still be seen here in Melbourne beach, where he came up with the idea to put an engraved board facing the beach that would tell you which street you were at. He did this so that people having an emergency could quickly look up towards the nearest public staircase and know where they were so it could be relayed to emergency responders. Patrick graduated from Melbourne High School in 2009 as captain of the Surf Team.
After high school, Patrick moved back up to New Jersey, where he became a volunteer firefighter & marine rescue operator for Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Company #1 at Station 45. He responded to many calls and large fires while in New Jersey, and developed a love for the fire service and the brotherhood that came along with it.
He later moved back to Melbourne Beach, and joined the Melbourne Beach Volunteer Fire Department, where he completed his State of Florida Firefighter I certification. He and was enrolled to start the Fire Academy in August to obtain his level 2 certification. During his time with the MBVFD, he was an invaluable asset, both on their fire and marine rescue teams, and he responded to multiple alarms, even when that meant inconveniencing his personal life, and putting the department and the public first. He was always looking for ways to help out, and would often times have already started a task before it was asked to be done. Even when it was chores around the station that no one wanted to do, you always knew you could count on Patrick to get it done.
Patrick was an organ donor, so even in death, Patrick will continue on helping people in need, as he loved to do, and always did.
The passing of Firefighter Patrick Gorman is a reminder to all of us, to live every day as though there is no tomorrow. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, and it’s easy to get complacent in life with work, and responsibilities, and the daily struggles that we all face. Don’t take what you have for granted, and live each day as if it is a gift. If there is someone you love or appreciate or value in your life, tell them today, don’t wait, because you might not have that opportunity later.
In closing the Melbourne Beach Volunteer Fire Department would like to say to Patrick, you were a great friend, a great firefighter, and a great brother. You will be truly missed by all of the lives you have touched during your time here, and it was an honor to serve with you. Rest easy brother, we will take it from here.

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