We have a set of hurst tools, but looking to see what others have that would be a great asset to our unit.

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A couple of suggestions-
4 10' lengths of good chain/ with couplers (so if you need to put them together for more length)
2 48" hi-lift jacks
2 bottle jacks (at least 2 ton style but bigger is better in this case)
a can of tennis balls (more useful then you think. use em to prop open door handles, soft wedges, use your imagination)
a wide variety of hand tools (wrenches, screwdrivers, etc)
and more but that should be a start. Remember those hurst tools are nice, but they are still a "power"tool. What is a power tool with no power, a fire fighter holding a club. Be profecient in tearing things apart with hand tools also.
Be safe and learn something new today.
Ok thanks for the idea's will keep that in mind.


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