Christopher J. Naum, SFPE

New York

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Other Senior Command Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
36 years fire service
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Command Institute, Washington, DC
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Thirty-six years of national and international experience in fire protection, incident command management, training and field operations within the fire service. Former Architect, Fire Protecion Engineer, College Fire Science Department Coordinator, company and command officer in both municipal and industrial fire service settings.
Adjunct Instructor, National Fire Academy, MD
Second Vice President, International Society of Fire Service Instructors-ISFSI
Board of Directors; IAFC, Safety,Health & Survival Section (SH&S)
Chairperson, Onondaga County (NY) Fire Advisory Board
NFFF/EGH Fire Fighter Safety Advocate
Contributing Editor; Firehouse Magazine and
Professional member grade; SFPE
About Me:
Author,Instructor, Fire Officer, Visionary; Providing training throughout the United States, Canada and Internationally on Building Construction for the Fire Service; Command Risk Management,Fire Fighter Safety and Operational Excellence. Integrated programs;™ and Structural Anatomy™ Integrating the Art and Science of building construction, firefighting and command risk management. new dedicated informational web sites and reference portal focusing on integrating the Art & Science of Building Construction, Command Risk Management and Firefighter Safety. and

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Comment Wall:

  • Paulo Jesus

    Hello from Portugal

    My name's Paulo, I live in Oporto (the 2nd biggest portuguese city). I'm Fire Chief and the President of the Portuguese Volunteers Firefighters Association.
    I hope we can exchange knowladge and become good friends. Who knows, one day we'll meet.
    Keep in touch.

    My MSN contact:
  • Firedog

    Chris , How is it going I hope its been slow for you we are trying to finish up our Evac shelters ansd get back to a normal life.I have a question for you.
    On 5"hose does anyone use hose clamps anymore or should I say is a hose clamp used on this large diameter hose at all? The local VFD I try to help out has this huge hose clamp and in San antonio we just lay and the pump operator radios to hydrany man when to charge the line.I have been an Engine officer for some time now and I thought those things were for the history books? thanks
    Jimmy Kitchens
  • Mick Mayers

    The scenario post you added is more of what the people on this netwrok need and less of "What Lights are U Runnin on your POV?" It's nice to see this kind of contribution.

    By the way, I've read a good deal of your works (we were both contributing for Firehouse for a while there) and you have some very good points (especially the stuff in the US&R field). Anyway, as a fellow author, I know the feedback is always appreciated, so thanks for what you do. Stay safe.
  • Engineco913


    Your posts about fire scenerios have been amazing. It is amazing to see the differing methods of firefighting some of the contirbutors would use and then having others be able to assist them in areas that wouldn't work, or would be unsafe.
    Your truck company operations post is a good post, yet there is no "response" area for posters to respond. I am a little baffled by that one and look forward to the responses that will come out of it.
  • Jessie Miller

    Hello Chris! It's nice to meet you. Thank you for everything you do in trying to educate and keep those in the fire service safe from harm! Keep up the good work! Be safe!
  • john hall

    Chris, Thanks for all the great posts, we use your scenerios at work to roundtable all the time. Thanks
  • Mike Harty

    Chris, I use a bunch of your stuff when I am giving training on the boats. Just wish more of it was geared to shipboard use but hey the red stuff is always the red stuff.
  • Melissa

    Just wanted to say Hi. I am about to go back to school and get a Master's in FPE. Need to take a few Mechanical Engineering courses first. Been twenty years since I have been in school. A little nervous but can't wait. I have applied to WPI on-line program. Might be looking you up if I need help with my studies.
  • Trainer

    Thanks Chris, I do what I can. It’s funny, and I seen it posted the other day, were the in-between generation, and it got me to thinking. I learned from the old-timers and today we are teaching the adrenaline junkies, maybe the old-timers thought we were to, but anyways it’s hard to slow down and look at the big picture. We don’t have a lot of structure fires, so with scenarios like this it keeps the mind working. Down our way! Visiting or just driving through on I-80. Keep it up.
  • Firedog

    Have a nice holiday season and stay safe
  • Dave Statter

    Thanks Chris. If I find time I will add a few more old PG pictures. Love reading your stuff. Please keep in touch. Happy holidays to all.

  • Don Vuletic

    Thanks Chris, I teach two things that are very important to my firefighters, Fire behavior and building construction. You gotta know what the fire is doing to the building your in if you want to servive
  • Dale Dittrick

    I have dressed up my pictures, videos, and audio on my page on FFN. There are a lot of comedic clips and even some fire/rescue clips. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
  • FETC

    Chris what videos did you present recently in SC? I am very interested in the lightweight truss roof construction and am looking for examples of incidents.
  • Ben Waller


    Excellent presentation in Columbia on Saturday. It was immensely educational, interesting, and more than a little entertaining.

    Thanks for the quality time, brother!

  • FETC

    Ben, made a comment on another thread about the videos from old and new with the construction concerns. I would like to know which ones you used, and we are currently (at my job) working on a presentation for shift training on lightweight construction concerns, osb/glue-lam beams and truss roof, etc. I am now looking at incident video to bring it closer to home.
  • Bill Mulligan

    chris you treat this site the way it should be I look for forward to your fourms keep them coming
  • FETC

    Ben made a mention that you used some video to show how we must learn from past and recent events in the fire service. He made a comment like it hit home... and drove home the point of better risk management?
  • Robert Owens

    excellent scenarios I love them.
  • John Rulli Jr.

    Same to you brother!
    STAY LOW!!
  • Christopher Parker

    I volunteer with the Manassas Volunteer Fire Company! I enjoy the time i spend with a great group of guys that make the brother hood of the fire service seem so welcome and enjoyable!
  • John

    Thanks for the Friend request, Love the scenarios. Take Care Brother and Be Safe
  • Michael Vito

    Thanks for the add, I have read most of the scenarios posted. Obviously, we live in a very far different world (I believe you've already checked my profile). And not to mentioned at the other side of the pond. But one thing applicable that I've learned is the fundamental principles of risk profile, tactics and the structural integrity we enter. Most buildings here complies with international standards but sad to say I think our fire service are slow to catching up and worst our IC system is still at infancy or to non-existent in most areas. Surprisingly our LODD is very low but still as a good firefighter. We don't want our guard down, always expect to the unknown. That's why, I / we want to learn more.

    So Chris, I'm happy to be part of your link and would love to learn more. TCSS, Mike Pasig City, Philippines
  • Tony P

    Thanks for the invite Chris. I enjoy your posts - even if there are too many differences, I still learn.
  • Tony P

    "We'll get you "thinking" like a US Firefighter yet"? You gave me a laugh there mate, thank you!

    I read, I learn, I try to understand. FF's in the US could often be horrified at our methods, just as we can be horrified by your methods! It's the way of the world, isn't it? As long as we all put the fires out, and try to have firefighter safety at the top of our lists, then all is good!
  • Jeff Cole

    Just wanted to commend you on what I consider the best practical, informative, and educational contributions to this site. Instead of the usual garbage of what engine is better or who uses what, you have actually provoked thought and encourage tactical and strategic discussions. I have recently begun taking a stab at your well preparred scenario problems. I am studying for an up-coming promotional test for Deputy Fire Chief, which is through an oral assesment-type of exam. This will be my second time around, as I placed 1st. a few years ago, but politics intervened know the rest. Anyways this helping me. I prefer to approach the problems in a general format, instead of being departmental specific as with particular apparatus, companies etc. Everyone reponds differently, but the engine and truck requirements basically don't change.
    Again, I think you are really providing an excellent service to the officers and firefighters who are interested in sharpening their size-up everyone should! This is the best stuff here amongst endless boring filler. Thanks again, and keep 'em coming!
    Jeff C
    ps...I was born and raised in upstate NY in Amsterdam, in the Mohawk Valley, Montgomery County.
  • Firedog

    I just wanted to touch base with you and make sure that it is OK to use your material to conduct a weekly training class for my crew.They are required to come up with tactics/stratergy of the situation .These guys are young and you have excellemt material. It really gets them thinking and we have had some debates .

    Jim Kitchens Lt SAFD
  • Chris

    Hey Chris thanks for the add! When will your website be launching? I am looking forward to its launch. You and I same a lot of the same interests.
  • Sean McAdoo

    I've mused over your info and I wanted to say 'thank you' for what is a treasure trove of information, valuable to me both as a firefighter and a code enforcement officer. Keep up the good work!
  • Station10Capt106

    Just wanted to say thank you for all the information you provide. Your strategy & tactics posts are always a treat and make us think. Keep up the good work!
  • Lou Sclafani

    Chris- Good to be here. You have quite the fan club going. Are you still at the plant?

    Am in the DROP and have about 4 to go. I have started to do more teaching here. Will have to get together to see if we can do anything jointly. Good luck with the new venture.

    Say hi to the wife and girls.
  • Justin Scott

    just stopping by to say hello and thank you for all the info and knowlage you bring to this site, be safe out there brother
  • Justin Scott

    happy thanksgiving
    stay safe brother
  • Justin Scott

    just droppin by to say happy new years
    be safe out there
    i look forward to reading more of your post in 2010
  • chuckyrescue

    HI Christopher. Congratulation for your web page. I need more information on the Volunteer Fire Officer Credentialing Program.
  • John Barrett


    It is great to hear from you! I've been following all the work you have been putting into your buildsonfire on facebook...when is the website going to be up? By the way...thanks for all that you are doing!
  • Rick Westerman

    Mr. Naum, How have been doing? Busy I can understand, haven't seen you post a tactics and strategy problem in a while, are you planning one in the near future? I hope so, I really like the challenging scenarios you put together. thanks for for the training!
    Rick Westerman
  • Thomas Martin

    Hello Chris. I was in your class at the Les Lukert Conference in Grand Island. You did an excellent job!! We took a lot of great information from it and hopefully we can pass it on to the rest of our department. Keep up the Good Work!!