
64, Male

New York

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Varick Volunteer Fire Company, Inc
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
2011-Present Varick Volunteer Fire Company, Romulus, NY
2009-2011 Romulus Volunteer Fire Dept - Romulus, NY
1976-2009 Oxbow Volunteer Fire Co. - Oxbow, NY
2005-Present Five Points Correctional Facility Fire Brigade
2005-2007 Romulus Volunteer Fire Dept - Romulus, NY
1982-1983 Hollywood Vol Fire Dept - Hollywood, MD
1983-1985 Bay District Vol Fire Dept - Lexington Park, MD
1987-1990 City of Chesapeake, Va, Vol Fire Force - Chesapeake, VA
My Training:
Incident Command - various
National Fire Academy - various
Truck Operations
About Me:
I am a 35 + veteran of the volunteer fire force. I have held the Asst. Chief position for 4 years and have held the Chief position during the Ice Storm of 1998. I have had multiple fire experiences including some of the best training in the country while I resided in Maryland. I became a Truckie during my early years and had to return to Engine Company Ops during most of my career. Nothing drives me with more pride than being a firefighter.
Day Job:
NYS Correctional Officer
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My Dad recruited me, by telling me how important it was to help your community and letting me go and watch him participate on calls.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It is the most direct way to give of yourself to your community.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
RECRUITMENT - We have to get the State involved by getting training into BOCES. Today's youth have not been taught to care about their community as much as themselves. We have to come up with idea's that today's youth relate to and will join. Most of all we must start early (12 -15) with exployers, and not turn down any that join at age 16. If we wait till 18 or later, we will loose as a organization over and over again.

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  • Kimberly A Bownas

    wow, so did you or do you know Phil Tessierre. That is my stepdad.
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    That is cool.
  • Floyd Aldridge Jr

    Yeah, When I joined PG 34 in 1980, PGFD & MFRI didnt get along so you had to have PG & MFRI basic. I got alot of training thru the both of them. When I got hired in DC in 89 I had to laugh at the Lt teaching us the Rabbit Tool. He said to be if u can teach it better come up here and do so. So i did, we had had one since it was designed. The guy that designed it was a career Technician at Co 44 ( OUR OTHER Station) we ha done of the first made. I was assigned to both Eng & Trk @ 34 and I loved the truck also. I was assigned to Truck 9 in DC . I did 18 yrs and 10 days in DC before they retired me on disability. I was up that way last weekend to bury my dad. Dad was from Edwards. Small world!!!
  • anne potter

  • jim

    plillyhad a barn fire last night engine standy by at there and tanker dumped until 3 this morning it startd at 9pm
  • jim

    they just went back plilly antwerp evansmill the big 4
  • Enid Neeley

    THanks for the Birthday safe out there...E
  • Floyd Aldridge Jr

    Hey Tom,
    Just saying Hi from the Big City!! HAHA!! We are getting our so called first snow here in MD,DC!! Just a dusting . It is cold thou. Not as cold as up home!!! HAHA!! Be safe bro!
  • Floyd Aldridge Jr

  • Dennis Brown

    lmao i only shot a deer thts all and got 6 more to go lol
  • Floyd Aldridge Jr

    and dont forget your shots of jack to keep warm!!!
  • Dennis Brown

    LMao Rom yeah i got to come up with some more ways to bump them off but that comet is a slick sucker
  • Dennis Brown

    yeah and put some harts all over him for a better shot lol
  • Rick

    Lexington Park/St. Mary's County isn't the small town you remember from the 80's. In the mid 90's when several Military bases around the Eastern Seaboard closed a lot of the jobs/programs moved to PAX River. The population is out of control here now. The roadways can not handle the traffic load. Lexington Park has turned into the Ghetto with Hookers walking Great Mills Road and Homeless living all over what wooded area's are left there.

  • Floyd Aldridge Jr

    Damm, I dont know about you but Genesse was the first beer I tasted when I would take sips off my dad's!!!! About sending me a case of it!!!
  • DoubleH..Harry

    Hi Tom
    I happened to notice you as being online last night as you got toned out,so thought I'd drop a note, then heard it sounded like it was a minor deal. TCSS Harry
  • anne potter

    No had mom.. Iron infusion also..Had to be back to Watertown by 1....
  • anne potter

    Hey ass nut where have you been
  • PFC Harmon

    Why don't you find out how much it cost for a CDL in your state. Then contact a local charity like the mason lodge to sponsor CDL training. Then possibly use that as a recruiting tool? Stay safe
  • Trainer

    We don’t have a problem with recruits saying they will make requirements, although we may be a little vague on what’s needed sometimes, sort of ease them in to it. As a vol dept in a town of 800 we fall short of using mandatory, I’ve personally fought this for years, at least the 24hrs annually part and would like to see FF II also mandatory. 2 things are always pointed out when I bring it up; NFPA standards are recommendations and not mandatory and we are volunteers, don’t get me wrong we strongly suggest requirements, and do our best to meet NFPA. One quote I learned from this site I like to repeat; you volunteer to get on and you volunteer to get off but everything in between is mandatory.
    We have problems with getting applications before they even know what’s expected, this is probably due to declining numbers but it’s also why I used apathy. I feel today’s youth does not have the same respect for their community as did generations of the past. We have found today’s ideal recruit is 30 something, married with kids and a mortgage, this is where you find someone who wants to be involved with the community.
  • DoubleH..Harry

    Hi Tom
    I don't now if you heard us go out the other night,,,,,,,,,car into pole /wires down car fully involved!!fortunately driver self extricated w/no injuries.!! And damn it was cold out! all drains froze stiff by the time we got back!...TCSS Harry
  • Rick

    Tiller is in service, must have been gone back for some pre inspections repairs.
  • Janelle Musick

    no worries lol i dont get offended...kinda hard to be easily offended in this line of work lol
  • Dennis Brown

  • Dennis Brown

    ok rom watch your back lmao my friend
  • morris washburn

    Hey Romulus , Whatsup ? I just read your TOP Issues on Respondes !! And I agree with having the age lowered to 16 and start recutment at 13 . My oldest son was a JR. in Silver Springs ,N.Y. in Wyoming County . That is a good program if you can keeep intrest in the kids . But anyway thanks for the addy. I ll check out theblogs also . have a good week b safe .
  • Floyd Aldridge Jr

    Thanks Rom!! And no blue pill for me, all natural brother!! And BTW I'm retired(DISABILITY) so I dont have to worry about getting a run!! LOL!!
  • Amanda

    i sent my application to the fire camp at the end of last week ill let you know if i hear from them i think itll be in june
  • Amanda

    ok thank you ill ask about them tomorrow at the meeting
  • Amanda

    i havent stopped yet...ill stop by probably next time i go to get the mail...ill work on the myspace
  • Mick Shelley

    No problem Brother, as you an see from my bike, that is
    a tribute in memory of 9-11 We Will Never Forget
    Thanks for writing back
  • PFC Harmon

    Ok first off,
    Yeah I am young to be a LT. but I feel I have the training and experience to do the job
    I never said screw the community if you read the comment I left and didn't jump to conclusions If your community doesn't support you shut the doors and after a while they will realize they need you
    The quote of "someone has to put the fires out" was left by another person I was simply quoting
    My department runs on a very tight budget mostly from DONATIONs and a small sum of money from the county i think our yearly budget is around 20,000 to 25,000 (we are so flipping rich)
    My department usually donates our old gear and trucks as that is how we usually get it
    I don't hate vollies I just don't like people using volunteer status as an excuse
    Lastly my department is very proud of what we do and are proud to be volunteers but I will not do my job unsafely or without the proper equipment My community knows that if they don't help us we won't be there plain and simple, when they learn that they are more apt to help. I am sorry that you have taken this discussion top the personal level for some reason and I am sorry I have offended you. Do you also feel it is stupid to be required to have NIMS classes or be an EMT to run medical calls?
  • Amanda

    i just got the acceptance letter from phoenix fire camp!!
  • Amanda

    the only thing i really need to get before i go is steel toe boots...have fun at the fire expo
  • Kris Sihachack

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Tony P

    Romulus, you felt you had to go to my profile to advise that the State of New York are going to allow unqualified people to drive heavy vehicles? (They may be trained, but they aren't qualified if they don't have the licence) I don't know why, but thought I'd return the compliment anyway.

    1. As with others, I have stated my opinion. On this topic it will not change.
    2. In my State, in my country, if you don't hold the licence, you don't drive the truck. Period.
    3. In my State, all volunteers are part of the one fire service, State funded and run. We need the licence, the State pays for it.
  • Amanda

    do you have roberts file? i remember giving it to you and its missing =o
  • Amanda

    do you have roberts file? i remember giving it to you and its missing =o
  • Amanda

    do you have roberts file? i remember giving it to you and its missing =o
  • Amanda

    its not a big rush,i was weeding through some folders to make some people inactive and i noticed it. Im so excited for graduation its the 26th last day is friday! and of course even more so for fire camp=]
  • Dani

    Awwww how sweet are you! Thank you hunny !
  • Dani

    Thanks hun ! Glad to hear that we are the best trained Vollies...I dont know because I dont have anything to compare to. Although I'd LOVE the opportunity to do a ride along sometime with the FDNY, but I've been told they don't allow that anymore since 9/11 ....
  • Kris Sihachack

    LOL, thanks! It's alot of fun here. Have a great day!
  • Janet Fife

    Thanks Rom. I admit I was a little lost on the Duck story. I will definately watch out for him. unless he plans to send me to Cancun.

    Is anyone going to be offended that I have joined your group and am not a firefighter? Through my job, I spend a lot of time in the company of firefighters and this seemed like a fun, relaxed group.
  • Amanda

    im home i really didnt even want to leave. i over worked my knee tho and i can barley walk lol oh well it was totally worth it. i will have tons of pictures everyone from camp is posting all their pictures on facebook so ill steal some plus ill have mine =]
  • Janet Fife

    We engineer specialized illumination tools. Initially for the military, then police and now our new line is focused on fire/rescue. Remember Arnold's lazer from the Terminator movie? -That was us.
    The first two handheld lights have been released (I would be happy to get a sample for you) and the remaining lights in the series will be out by the end of the year.
  • Janet Fife

    You can reach me at
    We have lights with green led's just for pilots and handhelds that are 500+ lumens.
  • morris washburn

    Hey Tom . How is things in NEW YORK ! Great i hope . I visited my old dept. back in July and man what a change .. The County screwed up things there .. Have a grab and run box and a mutual aid for sec. due ? Because they dont have enough ppl to respond , but the County put in an auto matic dispatch, that is fine but what if its a false alarm !! Is this asking for trouble !! Well any away I just wanted to stop by and say Hello .. Take Care my friend ,be safe .. Morris
  • Janet Fife

    I hope you enjoy the light. I have just returned from BurningMan and had a great vacation. I look forward to hearing your feedback.
  • Kris Sihachack

    Hi, just stopping by to show some love! ;-D Have a great week.