
Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Can't remember

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  • Rom919

    Wow.... that is amazing. What are you guys going to do with Truck 3 after you get the new Truck 3 in service. I loved being a truckie with that 100 ft Grove Ladder. You where a LT when I was down there. I now live in Romulus, NY, in Seneca County, right in the middle of the Finger Lakes. A small department with 2 Engines, 1 Heavy Rescue, 1 Light Rescue, and a Tanker. You run more calls in 1 month than we run in a year.
  • Rom919

    Been watching your video's again... I still Truck 3 in service.. where's the tiller?? Tom
  • Mark Fuqua

    This was a honda scooter that was hit at 55 MPH it was "BAD"