morris washburn


McEwen, Tenneesee

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
McEwen vol. Fire dept.
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Pike vol. Fire Dept.
My Training:
evoc, hazmat 1 ,pump and driver,ladders,fire essentiles. grandfatered in to FF1 FF2 ,ICO, Extracation,water supply officer,fire police .Ice water Rescue.
About Me:
Married 6 kids 3 girls , all married , 3 boys NOT married . 4 grand daughters. 2 in NewYork ,2 in Germany . I love FF. But love the wife more .
Day Job:
school bus driver
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
My dad was in , and it was another way to make a name and help my Community out .
Top Issues Facing Responders:
We all need more money and training . Equipment ,and more employees.

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  • John Nelson

    Hey Morris, thanks for adding me. I know where McEwen is located, but don't get that direction too often. If you are ever up in the McKenzie area, let me know. I will be glad to show you around our station.
  • Mike

    things have been pretty uneventful around here... nothing exciting happening. There was a fire in yorkshire on Saturday at the old Ames store. 3 kids ended up getting arrested for setting that one. That one was a y'all come if Ive ever heard one... they had everyone and their brother there.
  • Rom919

    Well manpower has gotten to such a critical stage that everyone is running mutual aid. Our great legislators down in Albany just have a blind eye to what we need for help... Like a law that stops from employers from firing their employees for responding to a call. So things just get worse..... Thanks for the update... As for the danger of the mutual aid depts responding.. well they might be the first on scene, because you can't get a piece out these days..