wayne frary

50, Male


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Paid Fire Department
Job Function
Firefighter/Driver Operator
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
norfolk fire and rescue
Years With Department/Agency
10 years
My Training:
14 weeks in surrey, England, then 2 more in Norfolk . We train every tour ( ha ha ! ), but we are quite busy also, so get lots of real incidents to keep our skills up.
About Me:
I love my family, going to restaurants, cooking, keeping fit which includes Muay Thai boxing, and my job of course.
Day Job:
Fulltime Firefighter.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
started off as retained ( or volly ),for my community,loved it so much that I joined the wholetime in Norwich. Been there 10 years now.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
We get to help people in emergency situations and we would all be lying if we said we didn't get a buzz out of it!.

Comment Wall:

  • Robin Inman

    Hello Wayne and welcome to FFN, it's a great place for info and chat. Take care and stay safe.
  • Toni

  • Toni

    Of course I don't mind. I'll be more than happy to be your friend.
  • Rami

    No Problem There Bud. I Don't Mind At All
  • Brittany

    Sure, it's neat to meet people who do this job from all over the world.
  • Tracey

    Hiya doing Wayne,
    Of course I dont mind, I am new to this group myself! Welcome and hope you have a great week! Chat again soon!
  • Anthony Lochmandy

    That is a nice truck. Hello from the US and be safe!
  • Inge

    Hi no I thats not the point im just intrested to have friends who has the same intrests which i can share .mann things are worldwide different so its interest to get a other view .have a nice day take care inge
  • Inge

    Hi my normal job i work as a customs and hazardous goods operater daytime ,from 18h to 6 morning we are on request as a first responder so we get the alarm first .at the moment we also have the public viewing for the em football games next is croatia against germany.in my normal job i also work as a paramedic on request if soemthing happens or big events.im also be trained in cfr 49 ,cfr 29 dangerous goods for air,ocean and truck .will see if can bring some pic of my group here in.we work together with the firefighter we are in one team.inge
  • Joe Alvarez

    Hello brother Wayne , it nice to make your acquaintance. To answer your question you would have to become certified with in the state that you are going to reside in . The course is called "Minimum Standards".. . In the state of Florida, it is about a 10 weak course and then you take a written and practical test with a state official.. Some departments like mine would hire you and put you through all this training while on the payroll... It is now what we call an open civil test . When I got on it was required to be certified prior .. things have changed since then... good luck on your endeavers in the fire service ...

    Regards , Joe
  • TURK

    no problem i am new to this as well. i guess i should be doing the same as you
  • Joe Alvarez

    Best of Luck ..."stay low when it blows "
  • Inge

    hi yes the nights and the weekends if i have to get up at night from 0 to 100 and next day y work in your daytime job but we have a system so not every night.just when we have big fires etc we have to work all....the interested part was my hazardous training in detroit totally different to europe thats why im here in this family.so take care and quit days inge
  • Anthony Lochmandy

    Thanks for chating back nice to hear from you. We are pretty busy here with lots of wildland fires
  • Huw Jones

    Yes I did request your friendship
    Thanks for accepting.
    It is a good site, once you figgure it out.
  • Erika Asst Fire Chief

    THANKS FOR THE REQUEST. Take care and be safe.
  • Rocket

    Hi Wayne, Afraid I have no good news regarding my dept & lateral transfers. You would have to undergo that wonderful experience called a recruit course again & work through the ranks. As you might expect the salary is not so good for the first few years also. You may have more positve results from the metropolition brigades. I will make a few inquiries & get back to you ASAP. Be aware there are 6 states & 1 territory in Oz & they are are independant of each other & have differing rules & regulations.
    The good news is, if your looking for a better place to reside then you can do a lot worse than good old oz. I have a daughter living in Holmes Chapel, UK & I cannot believe the cost of living over there. I guess its all relative BUT......we have sunshine.
    I will get back to you,
    Cheers mate
  • Inge

    hope you had some good h at the beach and your family doing ok. have a safe week without any stress. its so hot here making working not esay .....
  • FireGuru

    Hi Wayne, looks like your working out of Sprowston? I take the RTC photo is Mousehold? I used to live on St Clement's Hill in your patch and still have family in Norwich. I also have a friend who works out of Yarmouth on red watch who lives local to me. Looks like you're wanting to ship out? I was thinking Canada or down under and would like some info if you have any?
  • Olli E.

    Hi Wayne , many greatings from Duesseldorf / Germany
    I have read that your interested to transfer to the US ??
    Even I tried to transfer to Canada but it seems us Europeans must start from the beginning :-((
    I was at RBFRS 2 years ago, because of planing my transfer to the UK. But on the personal interview I wasn`t succesful.
    Shit happens.
    Stay save
  • Deputy Dog (Jay)

    I publish a free firefighter newsletter and have recently added members from NZ and Aus. I have lots of members in Canada and The United States, but I do not have anyone from UK yet. Please check out our website and see if you are interested. Everyone welcome. www.fanningtheflames.synthasite.com
    Keep safe.
  • Rocket

    Hey Wayne, Yep we are heading into winter here in central Austalia with temps already around 1 degree. Am currently laid up after tearing a hamstring during a hose drill. Maybe body trying to tell me something ?? Anyhow mate trust all is well for you & family, are you still thinking of coming to Oz?
    Stay safe, Rocket
  • Curtis Brown

    yeah I did but i was looking at some pics and she made a diffrent profile or someone did shes on fire link too I think its someone fucking aroun but that some thing that shouldnt be just thrown out there like that
  • Curtis Brown

    yeah im good its just that I lost a good friend in a fire so what did they say to you about her
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Good day friend!

    Thanks for adding me as a friend on this network. I would like to ask if you would be interested in trading a patch? Nice pictures!! Stay safe mate!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    I will see what I can do about getting a Polo shirt, in the meantime, if you can find an old patch, I would be much obliged!! Stay safe my friend.

  • Chris

    Hi mate, I'll email you some info tonight.
    Cheers, Chris
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Wayne!

    OK, my size is extra large, I measure 40 inches around the chest. I will send you a shirt, all I have are extra large sizes. The shirt is brand new. My address is below, please send me yours. Thanks and stay safe out there!!

    Daniel Garvin
    4399 Viau Street
    Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
    H9H 3B1