Joe Alvarez



United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
14 years
Years With Department/Agency
14 years
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
I am a firefighter , paramedic , driver operator , air deployable diver ..machine operator ... I have assisted in MCI consortium for level 4,5, and 6 . with hospitals , and other agencies .
About Me:
I am a strong believer of traditional values .. hard work earns the respect from others . . I am one to say a job worth doing is worth doing right . I believe in doing the right thing even though sometimes it is not the most popular decisions. I always encourage others to take pride in what they do , those that join with and for the right intentions . I
Day Job:
I work additional hours on the firedepartment .. whether its on the squad , driving the rigs , or hauling on the bread box(rescue).
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined for reasons of admiration for the proffesion . In uncertain times where the brotherhood tradition seems to fade . I will always love the fire sevice and I encourage the younger generations to preserve our long traditions , which is one of many things that makes our preffesion unique , special something to be proud of ..."Leather Forever"
FF. Joe Alvarez
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I admire the brotherhood , the fact that we take care of each other in the worst conditions and we help those want and need help .
Top Issues Facing Responders:
changes in administration . The loss of experience as large number retire , not helping a smoother transition in the next generation resulting in fleecing of traditions and the image that is being lost as respectful healthcare proffesionals, and public servants . The threats of loosing our collective bargaining rights due to weak unions and big changes in an ever growing large fire department . The threats of cuts on taxes and funding for fire and ems services .

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  • Sasha

    stay safe out there!
  • luis campos

    u out of station 44 in dade county ?
    wheres that station at ?
  • luis campos

    well im not paid yet but on the process of it
    i live in weston but volunteer with bso and most of the time out station37 , 14 and 27 thats where i got o work with some of the guys from sta 63 hazmat on a couple of mvas on 95
    im starting the process of getting hired with pembroke pines fir dispatch tough
    be safe brother