

Falmouth, Maine

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Barstow Fire
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
My Training:
FF1, FF2, Fire Attack, Fire Attack Inital Respose, Confined Space Rescue, High Altitude Rescue, Rapelling Rescue, Ladder Rescue, Swift Water Rescue, Haz-Mat Observation, Haz-Mat Operations, Haz-Mat Clean up Operations, Smoke Jumper School, Underwater Body Recovery, Master Diver, Brush Fire School, Bachelors degree from UVA in Fire Science and a Asccoaites Degree for my Paramedic..And several other schools too numerous to list
About Me:
I am medically retired from the service after spending almost a year in a full body cast after a 3 story house collapsed on me and my partner while on a search and rescue mission. looking at getting on my local volunteer department here in Falmouth and starting where i left off.
Day Job:
I was an Exotic dancer until a care wreck recently
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I had someone tell me i couldnt do it because i was a am not the type you do that has become the most rewarding thing i have ever done in my life.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i miss being the first one in and last one out
Top Issues Facing Responders:

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  • Jim aka Bick

  • Kelly Joe Aylor

    Welcome tio FFN! Glad you survived, thats whats important.
  • Bobby Shelton

    Hey sister why don't you come join our haz-mat discussion group?? Your ideas and experience would be welcome

    welcome to ffn stay safe out there
  • firechief911

    welcome to ffn stay safe
  • charles

    hey you are not on im anymore i missed you
  • Capkurt

    I'll have to check it out.
  • Capkurt

    I searched on Yahoo and could not find you. I'm getting frustated.
  • Paul


    Nice pic, welcome to ffn. email me with the info @
  • Kevin Da Moude

    nice job!!!!!!
  • Sgt226

    Wow! sorry to read about the house collapse, but good to know you recovered. take good care
  • Firestorm

    well i am hoping all are well and safe and my prayers are with all of you...and i hope to meet each and everyone of you.....
  • Sgt226

    Have never been to Hell Paso, but sounds like a nice place to visit ;)
  • firechief911

    hey girl you stayin out of trouble have a great week
  • Dexter Hatcher

    Welcome to FFN, your accident sounded awfull. Be safe and never miss just being out and healty.
  • Chan Rivera

    welcome to ffn. from ny
  • firechief911

    havent seen you in a while hope you are being good
  • Chan Rivera

    hi thank you for the add "Chan"
  • OTIS

  • Joey "BigShow" De Piano

    Hi FireStorm sorry to hear of your accident I know you still get the itch when the federals scream by, but at least you are here to talk about it, and the fact your up and around and in a new career great job chat soon
  • Jeff Borra

    Hi firestorm been to El Paso on the Uncle Sam Plane Good old Ft Bliss back in the 70"s
  • catfish

    hey gal just wanted to say hi
  • Bonfire

    I would love to be your friend,
  • Joey "BigShow" De Piano
  • Irons38

    hey jackie thanks for the add. hope you are having a great night. feel free to say hi anytime. be safe.
  • Brian Dumser

    Hello from Chicagoland! I just stumbled upon your page. Sorry to hear about your injury, I'm glad your OK. I noticed you're an exotic dancer. I never met an exotic dancer before! I'd love to see some "work" pix...LOL. Stay safe!
  • Bonfire

    Thanks for the add and I hope your computer stays healthy...and you too of course.
  • Firestorm

    thanks for all the well wishes and all the comments i am glad to be back on and glad to hear all is well with everyone...lets hope it styas that way...lets make sure we each have each others backs ...and as always there is no brotherhood or sisterhood like ours...Firestorm
  • Jeff Borra

    Spent more time across the border then in El Paso and sometime did what the Sgts said and stayed off of dyer st
  • Big Jim

    Hey Firestorm, thanks for the add. I loved your pics. How bout posting some more for us. Stay safe.
  • MrC_EMTest2005

    sorry to here about your accident, I'm glad that you and your partner pulled thru and that both of you are healthy. All praises go to the MAN UP ABOVE!

    Do what you have to do, stay in touch, be safe.
  • Jeff Borra

    Mike was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the
    family business. When he found he was going to inherit a fortune when his
    sickly father died, he decided he needed a wife with which to share his

    One evening at an investment meeting he spotted the most beautiful woman
    he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away. 'I may look like
    just an ordinary man,' he said to her, 'but in just a few years, my father will
    die, and I'll inherit a lot of money'

    Impressed, the woman obtained his business card and three days later, she
    became his stepmother.

    Women are so much better at estate planning than men.
  • Firestorm

    how true how true...especially if the man has one foot in the
  • Jeff Borra

    An old Italian man lived alone in New Jersey. He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison.

    The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:

    Dear Vincent,
    I am feeling pretty sad, because it looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here, my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.
    Love, Papa

    A few days later he received a letter from his son.

    Dear Pop,

    Don't dig up that garden. That's where the bodies are buried.
    Love, Vinnie

    At 4am the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies.
    They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son.

    Dear Pop,

    Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances.
    Love you, Vinnie

    Love it!
  • Jeff Borra

    An old Italian Mafia Don is dying and he called his grandson to his bed Grandson I wanta you to listen to me. I wanta you to take mya 45 automatic pistol, so you will always remember me. But grandpa I really don't like guns, how about you leaving me your Rolex watch instead.

    You lisina to me, some day you goin a be runna da bussiness, you goina have a beautiful wife, lotsa money, a biga home and maybe a couple od bambino, some day you goina come hom and maybe finda you wife in be with another man. Whata you gonna do then? Pointa to you watch and say, "TIMES UP"?
  • Chan Rivera

    hi firestorm want to say hello "Chan"
  • Firestorm

    hi chan
  • Irons38

    where u been girl?
  • TANK361

    hey sweety. how have you ben?
  • Jeff Borra

    Hope all is going well
    man walks into a pet store and is looking around when he
    > > spots a Chimpanzee in a cage marked, "$1000". The
    > > man looks a little closer and discovers that the chimpanzee
    > > is wearing a T-shirt bearing the
    > > Maltese Cross and is cleaning a fog nozzle. Curious about
    > > this, the man summons the storekeeper and asks him what the
    > > deal is with this thousand dollar monkey. "Sir, You
    > > have discovered our Fire Service Monkeys".
    > >
    > >
    > > This one is our Firefighter version. It has a Basic
    > > Firefighters certification with IFSAC seals, is also a
    > > Licensed Paramedic, can perform vehicle extrications, high
    > > angle rescue and is up to date on current CPR standards. A
    > > very good value for a thousand dollars.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > The man is suitably impressed and moves to the next cage,
    > > which is occupied by a gorilla - also wearing the same
    > > T-shirt, but is gnawing on a pen and reading training
    > > manuals.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > The storekeeper states, "Sir, You have discovered the
    > > Captain model.This one has an Advanced Firefighter
    > > certification, is capable of training the other monkeys in
    > > basic firefighting skills, and can manage any emergency
    > > scene. It can also type. A very good value for five-
    > > thousand, Sir."
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > Impressed, the man moves to the last cage. Inside, he finds
    > > an orangutan, dressed in a white shirt and a tie, but
    > > holding only a coffee cup. The man says, "What does
    > > this one do that he's worth $10,000 ?"
    > >
    > >
    > > The storekeeper clears his throat and says, "Ah, sir,
    > > well, um. we have never actually seen him do anything except
    > > drink coffee and play with himself, but he says he's a
    > > Battalion Chief."

    Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Sh
  • Jeff Borra

    Buone Feste Natalizie
  • Nathan Teele

    welcome to maine.stay safe out there.
  • Ross

    Hello there hope is all is going good with you I live not to far from Falmouth I live in Turner maine on the other side of Auburn hope you like Maine
  • Ross

    Well I live right on a river they catch bass up here have to come up and boat on the river
  • Glen Garland

    Hello and welcome to Maine. I work for the Portland FD in the marine division. We don't often venture up to Falmouth but I can see it from Portland :) If you ever want a tour of the fireboat give me a shout. The new boat should be here in July. Take care and be safe.
  • Ross

    Well there and If you want to talk more with me I am on AOL aim screan name is rescue T2
  • Glen Garland

    Funny you should mention that. I'm working tomorrow (Mon) 0800-0800. Also working Wed 0800-2000 this week
  • Brittany

    hey how are you
  • Chan Rivera

    hello welcome back
  • Brittany

    haha yea the cold gets to most people! haha nice there nice to just go down the rivers with and go fishin in