Justin Dunn

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Driver / Engineer, Other Emergency Services Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bland, Virginia
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
FFI, FFII, Hazmat Ops, First Aid, CPR, EVOC Class 3, Instructor I and II, Rural Water Supply, Basic Pump, NFPA 1403, Driver Operator, Communicating with Children, Fire Attack Evolutions, Arson Detection, L.P. Gas, Vehicle Extrication, Farm Machinery Extrication,
Day Job:
Sheet Metal Fabrication
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Joined the fire department at the age of 16. My dad was chief of the fire department for many years prior to me joining. After I was in the fire department for a few years I joined the rescue squad.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Getting that, "thank you" from the person that you are helping. The Adreneline Rush is a good kicker too
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I don't know about the departments in bigger cities, but the biggest problem that we have in our department if getting members to participate in events such as training, fund raisers, and even fire calls

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  • firechic207

    Our thoughts and prayers are certainly with the family of Justin. Seeing anyone leave this earth is difficult, but seeing one of your own, that strikes a little closer to home. May God be with his family and friends.
    Lynett Spear and the Derby/Whitesandsand Fire Department
    in South Mississippi
  • Robert T. Marchetti

    My deepest sympathy goes to the family and friends of Justin. I will pray for comfort and direction in this time of loss and sorrow.

    Bob Marchetti, Sugarloaf Fire/EMS Co, Inc.

  • em the resqgrl


    Hey dude. I miss you and today is my first day on the truck since your accident. My brother i dedicate today to you. Even though your no longer with us in body your with us in spirit on and off the trucks. We all miss you so much. Thank you for everything. Your truly an angel now, and we can rest easier knowing your still watching out for us from up above.
  • Michael Vito

    On behalf of the fire service in Pasig City, Philippines. Our deepest sympathies and condolences to the family and friends of Bland Volunteer Fire Dept. We miss you brother.

  • Dennis Brown

    R.I.P. Brother
  • T.J.

    God Bless you Justin, my thoughts and prayers go out to the Dunn family and friends.
  • Tony Grissom

    On behalf of Crowders Mountain Volunteer Fire & Rescue, Our thoughts & prayers go out to the Dunn family. May God Bless!
  • Tony Bearden

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Justin Dunn. May God Bless is our prayer.
    Chief Tony Bearden, Aroney VFD, Dekalb Co. Alabama
  • N.Y fire fighter Lt. #503

    Even though i didn't know him personally ,or through FFN . It all way's sad to loose one of are fire fighter brother's. My heart goes out to Justin Dunn ,and his fire Department that he served,and his family . May we all keep him ,and his family in our prayer .God bless you all , Lt. Chris .N.Y
  • Shelly

    I didn't personally know Justin, but it is a heartfelt loss and a sad day to lose a Brother. His department and family will be in our thoughts and prayers, may God be with them in their time of need.
    Lt. Stewart, H.F.R.D.
  • Dina Lynn

    Justin? I don't know what to say, all I can do is sit here in shock as tears fall down my face. My condolances to the family. For the few times I spoke with you, I was blessed to have known you and the spirit of your knowledge, compassion, and inspiration will continue on in my heart.
  • Zeke Harman

    Buddy you have been the greatest friend on earth and will be greatly missed by me and ur other firefighter on BCVFD
  • jamie lewis

    R.I.P. May God watch over you and your family.
  • Zeke Harman

    Justin, we miss you and love you so dearly. I still see you sitting beside us at our wedding laughing and smiling. What can i say we just miss you so much. We never in this world thought that was our last hugg from you our last moment together. You'll always be in our hearts and in our prayers. RIP Justin Paul. Love always jess and zeke.
    Bland 25 to Bland 10 Go rest high on that mountain in the sky we will miss you and love you and never forget you! 10 also remember we will see you again and it will be a joyeus day when we get together and and tell stories of the old days! Love BCVFD 25 The Duck
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    This is very sad and a loss for both the FFN and the community that Justin served. May god bless both Justin's family and friends. Rest in peace brother.
  • Nathan Whoric

    ull be sadly missed by all ur brothers

    Our fallen brother.....Condolences to the family from Acme-Delco-Riegelwood Fire-Rescue, Inc. RIP
  • Mike

    You will be missed. God bless
  • A.J.

    God Bless your family and your brothers my thoughts and prayers are with your family always.
  • Karl Campbell

    May God watch over his Family and Friends. Rest in peace Brother.
  • John

    Rest in Peace Brother
  • Jack Emmert

    Bland County has lost a highly trained firefighter, a respected young man and no doubt he would have been a strong leader in the community. It was a privilege to know him and I will never forget his dedication to preventing loss of property and life in Bland county. My heart is with the Dunn family at this time. I’ll see you again Justin.
  • Timothy D. Stone Jr

    Rest in peace
  • Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich

    On behalf of Clover Twp FD, we offer our sincerest condolences to the family, friends, colleagues and community of FF Justin Dunn.
    Another one taken much too early.
    Peace be with you, Justin.
  • Sara Posey

    Powerful comments.

    Thoughts and prayers to Justin's family, friends, and department.

    Another Angel is among us.
  • Chris Sterling

    Rest in peace brother! Rest in peace.
  • lauryn taylor

  • Ben "Batman" Barry

    RIP Bro You will be missed
  • Jenny Holderby

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the friends and family who loved this young man and will miss him. It seems the good do die young. Another hero in Heaven.
  • Neil Starks

    Rest In Peace Brother. You will be missed.
  • Cindy Dixon

    Such a short life, such a noble legacy you leave. Your accomplishments were so honorable for the time you were here. As you watch over your fellow firefighters and EMS personel, keep them safe and lead them through, keeping them out of harms way. We know, you will already be there, leading the way. To Jeff, Catherine, and the rest of the family, thoughts and prayers, and thanks for sharing such a respectable young man, a Hero.
  • Jason McMahon

    You will be MISSED and NEVER FORGOTTEN
  • Adam Box

    Rest in peace brother. God bless you.

    On behalf of the Deptford Fire Department and all your brothers from hermosillo sonora mexico Rest in Peace.. HERMOSILLO MEXICO RIP.
  • Jamie Buice

    Rest in peace. You'll never be forgotten.
    “It won’t always be like this. A better time and life are coming. Just hold on to me and I will deliver you. I will take you to heaven.”
    Revelation 21:3, 4 tell us: “The tabernacle of God is among men, and he will dwell among them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be among them, and will be their God. And he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, nor will there be any more mourning or crying or pain; because these earlier things have passed away.”

    our brother,you will be greatly missed,it was a honer knowing and serving woth you,GOD SPEED and REST IN PEACE,from your brothers at the gap
  • jonathan

    rest in peace brother
  • Ryan Cullen

    RIP brother
  • Doug

    Rest in peace brother
  • Kimberly Clemons

    There are NO words to explain how you impacted so many in your short life.
  • Seth Allison

    Stay safe over there fellas,Keep your heads up and keep her roolin out the doors!!
  • Greg Smith

    This is a big tragedy. God bless the Bland Fire Company and his family.
  • Zeke Harman

    I miss you dearly and I still look for you when i get on the truck every time little buddy I love ya bro you just keep watching over us and keep on helping the lord keeping us safe!
  • EMS_GIRL08

    We miss you Justin, everytime I heard tones drop I think of you. i know that you are watching us from heaven above.
  • Ron King (Fire Chief)

    We had training in Wtheville tonight, and you were very much on my mind. I will never forget that camper fire we had on 77. I can still see that cheerful smile. You always made everything a little brighter. I know you are enjoying your new home in heaven, but you or very much missed here on earth. Keep watching over use. BFD and family you or in my prayers each day.
  • Andy Willis

    Justin, man I dont know where to start. Justin you were and will always be more than my friend, you are more along the lines of a brother. All I can think about is all the good times we had, whether it being driving to Charlotte at about 3 in the morning or just sitting around hanging out, oh or going to wake the Duck up at 6 or 7 in the morning to go to a big tool show. Im missing you like crazy dude, I still look up at your house everyday hoping to see you, still look for you to come around the corner at work doing that goofy little wave and saying HEY GIRL.......lol..good times. Its just not the same here without you and never will be. I appreciate everything that you did for me. I ask that you and GOD just continue to look over us, and you just remember that you may not be here anymore but you will live on in our hearts forever. I love you and miss you....................Love Andy...............RGVFD 489
  • gary l henderson

  • Chad Furr

  • Pegs Flerianos

    From South Africa, I am so very sorry...RIP Justin...