Chad Furr

53, Male

Highland, KS

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer
Years in Fire/EMS:
pushing 2 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Doniphan County Rural Fire dist #2
Years With Department/Agency
going on 2 years
My Training:
ICS/NIMS 100, 200, and 700. Pump operations, SCBA, Extracation, TIC, First responder, and NOAA weather spotter for county, more to come as soon as I find time for school and sitter for my kids.
About Me:
I am a 39yo father of 3 wonderful kids. My wife thinks I am a bit crazy LOL Of course she is a nurse so she knows what it is like in a way . I love almost anything outdoors.
Day Job:
Full time student pursuing my Fire Science degree and a full time stay at home DAD
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
We are a vol only dept and alot of the "old" guys are leaving so it is my turn to step up to the plate for my community
Why I Love Fire/EMS
that one time I might make a diff. in someones life
Top Issues Facing Responders:
turnout for a call
water supply, at least in my area

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  • Jonathan

    Hey man thanks for the add yea i don't know about "big boys" we just have the luck i suppose you can say at the moment were strictly volly's no pay of any kind so its hard at times, and usually only have 10-15 guys per major call so were just blessed i should say, and to my knowledge have only lost about 2 complete structures out of about 40 this year and there were no saving them when we got there; but heck yea man if you ever make it this way we'll for sure hang out
  • Barbara Leach

    Thank you Chad for your welcome. I am always brought to tears and humbled beyond words when I hear Amazing Grace with the pipes..It speaks volumes if you know the story behind it..and how this Great Nation can learn from the verses..always get home safe..Barb
  • Michael Spellmeier

    Chad give me a call lost your number