Guillaume Morneau

48, Male

Farnham, Québec


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Take a look to my counter ;)
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
SSI Farnham (Farnham FD)
Years With Department/Agency
4 years
My Training:
FFI, Pumper Operator, Extrication.
Day Job:
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The adrenalyn rush, helping people and serve the community !

Comment Wall:

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  • Mathieu Cormier

    Salut Guillaume,

    Cool videos :D C'est tu deux place que vous avez brules recement? On etait supposer de bruler une cabane mais la je sais pas....Ca traine lol....I need a good fire soon :D

    Take care,
  • michael m madsen

    How is doing in Denmark Goy vi haf Lot of Fajer!
    i Denmark de i Kul, hilsen Michael madsen
  • Tomms_26

    hi, how are you, thanks for add, stay safe and keep cool....yours tom
  • carl hockett

    Hey Guillaume.. thanks for the comemnt.. We get a lot of kidding about our city name but that is one of the reasons I like this town. Not much snow here in texas but we do get some ice storms. Makes things real interesting during those. Been pretty slow here 2 structure fires in past 2 weeks. Bunch of medical calls to keep us busy. take care..stay save (stay warm)
  • lloyd

    Your english is just fine. We all speak the language of brother firefighters, and we all understand that! Stay safe my friend.
  • Dano

    Merci Guillaume et je peut toujour aider avec la traduction.
  • Jeff VE6EFR

    Hi, Guillaume!

    Believe it or not I'm more of a Red Wings fan. But to be honest it really doesn't matter who is playing unless either the Wings or the Oilers are on the ice. I just enjoy the game. I guess that's one good thing about having XM. Every team, every game! Otherwise the rest of the family would never be able to watch tv!
  • Tony Leonard,Jr.

    Hello Guillaume.Thank you for putting the pictures in the forum about helmet colors.I guess that no country has a standard on helmet in case you did not know,There is a Village of Farnham Volunteer Fire Department In Farnham,N.Y. U.S.A. About 10 miles away from where I live.We share the same dispatch center.They do not have a web site,but I could get you thier address if you like.
  • Tony Leonard,Jr.

    Guillaume,Thanks For The Add,Too.I Look Forward To Talking To You In The Future.Oh As A Side Note,Since I am So Close To Lake Eire,I Can Pick Up Fort Erie,Ont. Fire Dispatch On My Scanner.
    "Go Sabres!"
  • Tony Leonard,Jr.

    I'm A Fan Of the NHL(Buffalo Sabres),NFL(Buffalo Bills),& WWE too.I like HHH,John Cena and The Undertaker.I don't like Ric Flair.It's along story as to why I don't.Oh and have you seen TNA Wrestling at all?,it's pretty cool and Sting is in it.
  • CJ

    Thanks for the welcome! I look forward to chatting with all my fellow FFN peeps!

    Take care and BE SAFE!
  • michael m madsen

    HEJSA MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A ................
    Hilsen MICHAEL M MDSEN Firefighter:::::::)
    djørn min Groups........michael m madsen's Groups. Delete Comment
  • Philipp Huss

  • CJ

    Merry Christmas and Happy 2008 to you!
  • lloyd

    Thanx for the friend add brother, stay safe and Happy new Year
  • michael m madsen

    HAPPY NEW-YEAR Hilsen Madsen.

    Hope you did not have to work to hard tonight and got to bring in the new year with a bang. Happy New Years.
  • CJ

    Happy 2008!
  • Randy Macey

    How goes the battle your way, lots of fog today as the temp. goes up the snow is melting. Hope you and your family had a safe and happy holidays....
  • JimWinsor

    Thanks Guillaume for including me in your friends.
  • Stephan Charest

    Salut Guillaume,

    Je viens de lire les nouvelles Varennes c'est pas loin de chez vous
  • yves rollin

    hey my brother from another mother Whats up? come on my page and gimme some news from Farnham take care out there and be safe buddy
  • yves rollin

    Hey Guillaume whats up brother whats news in farnham take care brother
  • James Newcomb

    Thanks for the info...I will join it!
  • James Newcomb

    Merci Guillaume! I wanted to keep our crest simple.....but Kirkland's and St.Anne de Bellevues are a little more intricate because that's what they wanted. If we ever get the embroidered...I can send ya one if you would like.
  • Brad Duncan

    hello how are you doing i am wounding if u can join the Canadian fallen firefighters foundation group for suport ples thanks
  • yves rollin

    salut mon frere ca fait un bout comment ca vas donne moi des novelles .fait attention a toi mon frere
  • Stephane Rainville

    salut Guillaume ! je travail a cote de ta municipalite et avec certains de tes confreres don Mario Gagnon , je suis egalement un ancien de Buckingham. prend soins .
  • Brian Savage

    Hey Guillaume,

    How have things been north of the border this summer. Fairly quiet down here.

    Stay safe.
  • Jessica

    Salut Guillaume! Comment tu vas? Moi je vais bien, pour répondre à ta question, nous avons en beauce des casques galet mais ce n'est pas tout le monde qui les aimes. Dans ma municipalité nous les aimons bien, nous sommes d'ailleurs en train de changer nos casques traditionnel pour des casques galets! Mais c'est chacun son tour! Et vous est-ce que vous avec des casques galet ?

    For the english guys : For awser at your question, yes we have in ''beauce'' ''galet helmet'' but every body doesn't like it. In my fire department we like it, we are trying to change the traditionnal for those but it's one by one... And you did you have traditionnal helmet or ''galet helmet''?
  • Sarah

    Hey Guillaume
    Im god thanks and you? Hope all is well with you!
    Stay safe!
  • Dano

    Salut Guillaume,

    Si tu veut joindre les Forces et etre pompier regarde la page au lien qui suit. J'ai 28 ans de service comme pompier dans les forces.
  • The God and Goddess

    Salut Guillaume,

    Je vois que vous vous êtes amusé à votre retraite. Content pour l'entendre. Comment avez-vous été ? Est est comment le temps là dans Farnham, Québec, Canada ?

    Mon mari et j'ai pensé à transfère à Canada des Etats-Unis. Nous habitons maintenant en new Hampshire. Vous pouvoir me dit s'il vous plaît si vous pouvez louer êtes combien pour un 1 ou 2 chambre à coucher et combien le coût de la vie est.
  • The God and Goddess

    Good day Guillaume,

    How is the weather up there in Farnham, Quebec, Canada? My husband and I are thinking about movingto Canada from the United States. We live now in New Hampshire. How much is the cost of living up were you are? (gas, rent, etc.)
  • The God and Goddess

    So gas up there is $5.20 American money. We live in Manchester, NH and gas for unleaded is $3.77. For a 2 bedroom apartment, the highest rent is $1,600 and oil is $4.89.
  • Stephane

    Oui Apam de Rougemont c'est ma facon de dire merci !!!
  • michael m madsen

    stay safe!
    Have a good Weekend Hilsen Michael M Madsen:-)
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    "So gas up there is $5.20 American money. We live in Manchester, NH and gas for unleaded is $3.77. For a 2 bedroom apartment, the highest rent is $1,600 and oil is $4.89."

    Santa Barbara, CA unleaded is $3.85 gal, and my house payment is $4,000.00 per month... It's expensive to live in paradise... : )

  • BillySFCVFD


    It's my pleasure to meet you and become your friend.
  • Stephane

    Pas eux la chance d'aller a un inervention dans votre coin c'est pas mon secteur... mais j'ai vue une de vos pratique devant le club de parachutiste...Croyez vous possible d'obtenir un écussons de farnham ???
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    You have a free place to come and visit. I live in the Santa Ynez Valley. Remember Michael Jackson's Neverland Valley Ranch? That's where I live... TCSS, Mike
  • jack lambert

    welcome to ffn from new brunswick
  • BillySFCVFD

    Hello again Guillaume,

    Humbly speaking I am a Sergeant Major (E-9). I have learned plenty during my service which relates to helping my VFD and act accordingly. Our former President Reagan was an actor making films for the military during WWII, which I'm sure you know. He was a great man and tremendously helped the defense of the USA. God bless you for the same thing helping our world partner, Canada. TCSS
  • sarah

    i'd definitely recommend egypt , it was beautiful!
  • sarah

    who is this Dana in your pics? wow she is gorgeous
  • Lisa

    Bonjour Guillaume!! J'ai pas parler francais pour un long temps! J'oublie beaucoup de mots et aussi a comment ecrire en francais. Tu peu m' aider!
  • Stephane

    Oui super merci ! Mon fils a beaucoup aimer !!! Ca va bien par chez vous ??? je te souhait a toi et ta famille de joyeuse fête...
  • Sue

    Hi Guillaume,
    Glad to have you as a friend. Stay safe out there!
  • Naty

    hi Guillaume, Thank`s for the add. i`m glad to be you friend. a Big Hug Form Argentina. Stay Safe
  • Buttercup 23

    Hey there! nice to meet you and hope you stay safe out there!