Randy Macey

60, Male

Caledon, ON


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Training Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Caledon Fire & Emergency Services
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Many moons ago, I worked as a nurse and part time as an Ambulance Att. But nothing like what the Ambulance is like today.
Or there training, it was more or less dash and grab.
My Training:
OFM Certified Firefighter
OFM Trainer Facilitator
Wildland Fire Strategies and Tactics for Municipal Firefighters
Terrorism/Hazardous Materials Awareness In Ontario
OFM Legislation / Orientation
OFM Pre-Incident Planning
OFM Incident Management Theory
OFM Incident Size-Up
OFM Emergency Response Cummunications
OFM External Agency Roles
OFM Post Incident Evaluation & Documentation
OFM Incident Managment Practice
OFM Pumper Operations Course
EMR / CPR / Defib. Trainer
EUSA Trenching & Shoring
EUSA Electrical Awareness
EUSA Chain Saws Trainer
EUSA Confined Spaces
St. John First Aid Instructor
ACUC Dive Master
About Me:
Been with Caledon for almost 12 years, have enjoyed the people I have met. It's a second family, we joke around and push each other around and press each others buttons. But when the tones go off, we work together and put all other things aside.
Day Job:
Cable Guy
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
http://www.facebook.com or www.myspace.com
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I have a job I enjoy, it pays my bills and my habbits of life. This was a job of courage and team work which I missed from my full time job. I get the best of both worlds, a job that pays and a job of reward.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Team Work! Being part of the team.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Working together, find that when dealing with Police / Fire / Ambulance that times we are not working together as a team.

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  • Josh Wigley

    hey randy. Do you know where i can take swift water, ice water, and cold water rescue courses either i ontario or newfoundland? i cant seem to find anywhere. please let me know if you know any. thanks Josh
  • frans

    Hello, Sir. Nice to meet You. Thanks for Your attention.
  • Kent Calhoun

    hello! thanks for telling me about www.givefirefighterscredit.ca it was good to see it in the new buget I just hope all goes well after the election!