Tony Leonard,Jr.

45, Male

North Evans,NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
13(firefighter),2(explorer),9(EMT),6m(Paid EMT),6m(Fire Engine Manufacturing)
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
North Evans Vol. Fire Co. Inc. North Evans,New York
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
1995-1996:Explorer Post 735, Angola Vol. Fire Dept.,Angola,N.Y.
1999-Present:North Evans Vol.Fire Co.,North Evans,N.Y.
2/08-9/08:"Country/City" Medical Services,W.N.Y.(EMT-D)
4/09-Present:Eden Emergency Squad
2007-Detailer-R.D.Murray/American LaFrance,Hamburg,NY.
My Training:
Explorer Essentials 1,Firefighter 2000(FF1),Arson Awareness and Investigation(State of Penn.)N.Y.S.Certified Fist Responder-A.E.D.,Haz-Mat Awareness,N.Y.S.E.M.T.Basic with A.E.D.,N.Y.S.Fire Police Training,CEVO Ambulance II,CEVO Ambulance III,N.Y.S.EVOC,An Various other Training And Awareness courses.
About Me:
Multi-Generational Firefighter,many close and distant relitives firefighting around the world.Been involved in some way most of my life,but officially 11 years.Currently E.M.S.Capt. & Interior FF/EMT-D and Fire Police,also Driver of Fire Company Rescue Truck.Retired from softball team in '07.'06 Company Delegate to Southwestern Assoc. of Vol. Firemen's Convention in Cuba,N.Y.,In December '08 was appointed E.M.S.Capt.for 2009.April 2009 Granted Membership In Eden Emergency Squad as EMT-D.,Dec.'09 appointed Fire Co.E.M.S.Capt.for 2010.,Feb.'10 Appointed to New Ambulance Committee for Eden Emerg.Squad.Oct.'10 Appointed Fire Co.E.M.S.Capt.for 2011.Appointed Fire Co.EMS Capt.for 2012.Appointed Emergency Squad Interum Communications Lt. for 2011.Appointed Comm.Lt.for Eden EMS for 2012.Historian for Eme.Squad 2013& EMS Capt.for Fire Co.2013
Day Job:
Looking for one
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Family Tradition,over multiple generations on both sides of the family.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I forgot.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Volunteers:Declining Membership,Day Time Responses,Equipment Replacement/Maintenance,Funding/Fund Raising,POLITICS!

Comment Wall:


    thanks you like that color thats the best color ever lol
  • scooter69

    I just can say what I've been told, everything happens for a reason, I believe in that. And there's a country song also, if you're going through hell, keep on going:) --the good is right around the corner! Keep your head up, it'll be okay soon:) Firefighters are caring people, you will find someone soon, you can add me as a friend if you want to. Keep in touch and stay safe! christine