Markus K

35, Male



Profile Information:

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Training Officer/Training Chief/Instructor
Years in Fire/EMS:
15 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Stuttgart Plieningen
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
My Training:
FF, SCBA, EMT, Paramedic
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
i decided to become a firefighter when i was 11. and now its a passion. i love firefighting and helping people...

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  • Anna Harrison

    I am doing good, how about you?
  • Anna Harrison

    My day is goin good.
  • FireCat

    Hopefully you are doing well. I'm looking forward to St. Paddys...Thanks for the add and Be safe out there! :-)
  • Michael Stepp

    Oh I am doing good... it has been really REALLY quite around here. Well be Safe out there!!!
  • Anna Harrison

    Hey, not much here. Finally on a Dept. I also ride on Recue. How you been?
  • Anna Harrison

    Providence Fire Dept.
  • Anna Harrison

    And good for you. I will be an EMT before I am a FF. I'm taking EMT classes first.
  • Horst

    Hello danke mir gehts gut . Hatten gestern ein grosses Feuer , kannst die Bilder auf meiner seite bald sehen. hoffe bei dir ist soweit alles ok .

    Thanks for the comment on my video yours is nice 2 we should have a nother video coming out soon
  • Horst

    Just wanted say hello and haste meine neuen Bilder gesehen. Die vom Feuer meine ich . Bis dann

    Yea man you 2
  • Horst

    Das war bei uns in Levant Maine, und es waren drei andere FD mit im Spiel. Wenn du mal auf einem apparatus mitfahren willst. dann mache dich einfach schlau. wenn in den US eine parade ist. die lassen dich bestimmt mitfahren wenn du ihnen sagst das du ein Deutscher FF bist. so bis dann mal . wenn du noch fragen hast? na du weisst schon frag
  • Florian Faasch

    Bitte Bitte, schöne grüße auch aus Obertshausen
  • Josh DeFlorian

    thanks for addin me
  • Florian Faasch

    fast, mache grad die ausbildung, wieso???
  • Horst

    Yes, we had a call last week that came in at 1:11pm until 1:00am. We have seven fire departments involved. No injuries but becasue the house was built in the 1800s and was a balloon structure we had real problems getting the fire out. That particular day we had high winds and sever cold which added to the problem. The fire started in the basement with the furnace. After two hours the medics removed me from the fire scene because of my physical condition so they thought. They told command so their was no to sneak back in. But this happens sometimes when you cheat, I skipped rehab too many times. So, on that note, stay safe.
  • Josh DeFlorian

    hey man yea im doing good busy with work and school. how about yourself how are you doing? stay safe too
  • Hyre313

    Vie gehts! i'm not too bad. what's happening.
  • Hyre313

    yeah we had a few. we had a 3 hour brush fire a couple weeks ago, we also had a car hit by a train. the rest of the calls were filled with false alarms and such. we usually run about 400 calls a year, give or take.
  • Hyre313

    oh well, the job's the same. i just got back from another brush fire. me, my lieutenant, and my chief were the first ones there so i had to climb up the hill alone ha ha. my knees were hurting
  • Michael Stepp

    Hey... it has been a long time since I have talked to you last. How has everything been going for you?
  • Hyre313

    when you do get calls what do they mainly consist of, structure fires, mva's, or what not?
  • Hyre313

    cool. i don't know anything about airport calls but i imagine they're interesting
  • Michael Stepp

    what exams are you taking. hope you do well on them
  • Michael Stepp

    final for what class is what I am asking... sorry I try to talk where it is easyer to understand me but.....
  • Hyre313

    just floating through life, how 'bout you
  • Ian Schulte

    any time bro, so are you from America or do you live in America?
  • Ian Schulte

    yeah, we have cooler helmets here. haha...
  • Ian Schulte

    that is very true.
  • Ashley

    Hey, what's up...just dropping you a line saying HI
  • Ashley

    not much...busy weekend as usual...the guys and I are playing some golf today then this weekend is our bbq....take care and stay safe over there....just curious, what class are/did you take?
  • Ian Schulte

    so is every department in Germany volunteer? or are there paid departments?
  • Ian Schulte

    thats pretty kick ass... do the berufsfeuerwehr work a 24/48 schedule or is that also something that is more common in america? cause i truly don't know much about the German fire service.
  • Ian Schulte

    thats pretty cool, its just different to see how different countries have different schedules.
  • Lars

    jo moin alles klar hier... woher kennst du denn dieses kaff ?!
  • Lars

    of course is nice here...^^
  • Lars

    nur noch dieses jahr... sonst läuft alles gut.
    sonntag zu leistungsspangen abnahme ( ich hab sie schon)
  • Lars

    und bei dir ?
  • Hyre313

    long time no hear buddy. what's been happening with you, anything exciting?
  • Hyre313

    yeah a couple bad mva's (one involving a fellow firefighter but he's ok), a couple structure fires. we've been pretty busy around here lately.
  • Hyre313

    ha, it's too wet up here for those. it's been raining for over a week, off and on
  • Stefan

    hey dude
    how are things going in plieningen lol............
  • Hyre313

    our dept. just bought 3 new trucks. i'll try to get some pics up soon. other than that not much how 'bout you?
  • Hyre313

    hopefully i'll begin my EMT course this fall
  • Ashley

    hey, what's going on? What have you been up to lately?
  • Ashley

    Working finishing up rescue tech. cert. I'll have that finished next weekend. other than that working a lot of shifts and trying to get released by the department to function as an EMT-Intermediate (ALS cert. below medic). My state recognizes 3 levels. Other than that I got into wakeboarding. Gotta try it if you have a's pretty awesome!! Oh, by the way, would you be interested in trading patches?
  • Markus K

    wakeboarding is great.
    yeah, i´m very interseted in trading patches..
    i try to get one of my dept. as soon as possible.. but its actually pretty hard to get some here...anyway its worth a try. XD
    have a great day
  • Ashley

    Ok cool..I wouldn't say it's easy to get our department patch but it can be done. I would have suggested shirts but that's out of the question at my department. My cousin's department (northern east coast) is different... Also, if I go to one of the up-coming expos I'll see if there are any from a big city for you. I've seen NY, Boston, and Philly patches at previous expos. That won't be until end of August and mid-Sept. Otherwise, take care and stay safe!!
  • Anna Harrison

    Hey, sorry it took so long for me to reply. I check my myspace more often then FFN so if you ever wanna chat comment or message me on myspace. Have a nice day. :)
  • Hyre313

    not bad, not bad. how bout you? i've just been working and relaxing. when that wind storm blew thru last week we had a record of like 54 calls that night.