
35, Female

King William

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
Lieutenant, Firefighter / EMT-Basic, First Responder, Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Since May of '04
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
King William Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad. Aylett, VA
Years With Department/Agency
Since May of '04
My Training:
I have been an EMT-Basic for four years and have been a firefighter for three years. I have only had the chance to take FF1 as our department is a bit slow on the training side of things. I am also a PADI open water scuba diver. I am in school right now for my minor in Associates of Applied Science (Paramedic) so in two years I will be a Paragod lol, also for my Fire Technology degree and my magor in Criminal justice so at the moment I am a full time student.
About Me:
Theres not much to tell. I joined because I was bored and wanted to get out of my house and got hooked. I have scrubbed shit covered toilets and bottoms, got bloody vomit projected into my hair, been punched, kicked, and grabbed by my bunker coat and tossed around, suspended, burned, and I still keep coming back for more because I am in love with the little moments. Having a older woman tell me her stories on the way to the hospital, preforming CPR and bringing somone back, breakin shit up after a house is burned (REHAB), holding a child in my arms, and having someone look up at me and say "thank you". I swear its like crack to me.
Day Job:
EMT-B at Kings Domionion
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted something to do and I love working with the elderly.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
my crew and working calls.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The lack of funding and members for volunteer fire departments. The lack of interest in EMS and running rescue calls when our department has already run 400 EMS calls and only 28 Fire calls so far this year not that im bashing fire just that well look at the numbers before you bitch. To many arrogant firefighters that get people killed.

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  • Randy Macey

    Check out the some of the Groups, I have started up "Close Calls" an area to tell your story of what you did and should not of so others learn. "Roll Calls" this is another group that allows you to tell us about your station and district. "Trainers Corner" is another area that you can read about issues other trainers have or deal with. As well if your not a trainer you can ask questions or state concerns you have. If you have a hard time locating them just go to my site and look at the bottom left hand corner.

    Enjoy, be safe and remember we all come home.

  • Danny

    Hello maygin hows things been going..just stopped into say hi and hope ya had a great at ya later
  • Danny

    well thats the pits doesnt sound like you had that great of a weekend except the irish food anyways..well hopefully this week will go good for ya and have a better weekend...take care girl
  • Arthur T. Kline

    Awesome blog! One word...Talent.
  • Danny

    Maygin Maygin how goes it..seems like you have been a little busy lately..well take care and have a great weekend..
  • Michele

    Thanks for the compliment. Actually, what I've accomplished isn't anything spectaular. Just lots of perseverance and patience, both pay off. (Just not as quickly as you'd like sometimes. lol) Have a great day!!!
  • Arthur T. Kline

    Beautiful new profile pic!
  • Danny

    Just stopped in to say hi..take care n talk at ya later..
  • nick276ff43

    Hi...Welcome to the world of firefighting and ems....
  • nick276ff43

    Everything ok your way...
  • Firegal77

    thanks! I like to keep it light when it's appropriate to do so. Welcome to the nation!
  • Arthur T. Kline

    You are very welcome for the compliment. What is new in Virginia, any good calls? I just missed out on a MVC on the highway, another crew took it. Fx clavicle and leg. No fire calls though.
  • Jeff

    Hey's been a few weeks. Love the new profile pic. Hey can tell from your comments you've been having a rough time. If you need to chat I have a good ear.
  • Arthur T. Kline

    Have a Great Thanksgiving!
  • Danny

    Hi Maygin how are ya doing girl..hope you had a great thanksgiving and hope you have a great weekend..take care
  • Brad Carlson

    Hey don't stress out over dumb stuff.I know i do all the time.Just take a deep breath and relax.If you need to talk you know where to look.ttyl
  • Tony Leonard,Jr.

    Dont Sweat It.I didnt see it that way.It made me Smile.
  • Don Smith

  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    Hey just wanted to say welecome and hope you have had a good and safe week.
  • Wayne Mitchell

  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    Hey hope ya had a great weekend
  • Danny

    Maygin how are ya doing...things are going pretty good here had a little snow yesterday that created some other than that nothen too major..take care n talk at ya later....
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    it has been quiet to quiet my way but just hanging in their untill the alarm gose off is all. Glad you are going well and catch up with ya later
  • Danny

    Maygin how are ya doing..well take care and hope you have a great at ya later...
  • M.A. Perkins E.M.T.(aka Tony)

    welcome too firefighter nation be safe and be careful
    wish you a wonderful christmas and a happy new year

    Lt. Michael A. Perkins
    Fire Department
    Rescue Squad
    Infectionist Control Officer
  • Firegal77

  • Danny

    Hi Maygin hope ya had a great week and have a great weekend take care...
  • Arthur T. Kline

    Have a safe and Happy New Year!
  • Joe Totero

    MySpace Comments - Happy New Years
    MySpace Layouts - Happy New Years
    Free Comments & Graphics

    Hope your New Year is Great!!!!!!
  • 99

  • Don Sparks

    hi,im don ya need any help with paramedic stuff feel free to ask.awesome attitude ya yahoo is fire_medic51
  • Don Sparks

    hey anytime,lmao@ stalking np much better when you are 15 states away
  • Firegal77

    Anytime! from what I can tell you have a great heart, and are intelligent(pretty too, but that has nothing to do with the job), and you're young. I think you are gonna go far and touch a lot of lives. Keep it up! :o)
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    Hey hope you have had a good week. Mine has been ok had a few calls this week and busting my brains out studying for my test. So take care and have a great weekend.
  • Hayward Dewey Pack JR

    If you need help feel free to ask and if I can help you I will gladley do so. I worked ems today and it was wide open I think we ran like 8 calls at my substation before I got off tonight. If ya wanann run some feel free to come down and we will put ya to Have a great day and ttyl
  • scott davidson

    Hi Maygin just stop to say hi be safe
  • Danny

    Hi maygin how are ya doing..whats ya been up too..take care and have a great weekend...
  • Justin Payne

    just wanted to say hello
  • Don Sparks

    how ya been
  • Danny

    Just stopped into say hi take care talk at ya later...
  • tony

    hi, you stay safe out there...
  • Kevin

    hey there..I used to be a member there..I was 1st LT rescue back in 1990..gimme a shout back
  • Kevin

    now i feel -- does Travis Longest still run with you all?
  • Cliff

    Hi how are you. Nice profile.
  • Cliff

    Thanks. What are you up to?
  • Cliff

    Same as you running calls, getting stuck working overtime. Cutting grass part time and trying to find time to enjoy this gorgeous weather. And waiting for the water to warm up so I can head to the river or the beach.
  • Harry Faulk Jr

    I just had to say something about the yellow wannabe trucks, most departments up here that have yellow are finally getting them repainted to red or buying red
  • Chan Rivera

    hi and welcome to ffn form NY
  • catfish

    just wanted to say hello
  • Chan Rivera

    hi thank you for the add be safe "Chan"