60, Male

New York City

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Law Enforcement

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  • Joe Guzman

    thanx again i will
  • Ross

    Well hello there you take care from Maine stay safe
  • Dan

    thanks for the info man. talk to you soon

  • Dave

    thank you will check it out.
  • Pierre

    thank you for your message!! i added you in " my neuw friends" i will check on facebook later!! have a nice day !! stay safe!!
  • Denise

    Thank you Avi. I will be sure to check it out. Are you in Egypt in that pic? I've been wanting to go there so bad!!!
  • Wendy

  • Rescue Diva Stephi

    Hey darlin....thanks for the friend request. Glad to have ya. And for the invite to facebook but I'm a myspace girl... :-) Hope you have a great week and stay safe out there.
  • Ann Marie Leona

    Hi, thanks for the add and the invite. I'll have to check it out. Nice to meet you and stay safe out there.
  • Robyn

    I was honored you asked me to join. I did join so look me up .:) I am also a member of poilicelink.com you can join too.
    Thanks again for the add and invite, be safe out there!!
  • shannon

    hey thanks 4 the add
  • Denise

    LOL.. I dont know how safe it would be traveling with a po- po.. lol.. I'm just kidding. I'm just an arss.. What can I say!!! I have never been out of Florida yet. But, when I do, it's going to be out of the country some were..
  • TJ

    be safe out there. have a good week.
  • Frederick Pettengill Jr.

  • Capkurt

    Hi Avi, Cool city you live in. I've visted twice in the last couple of years. Manhatten mostly with a side trip to Queens. Talk to you later.
  • Jen

    Hey how's it going? Just thought I'd stop by and say HI. I hope u stay safe out there in NYC. Talk to u soon.
  • Sonya Jesmer

    Thanks for the add on stay safe and god bless
  • Ken 2405

    Hey, welcome to my list. I see we share the same job. As always stay safe.

    As part of the life saver community you are more then welcome to join Police Facebook - Worldwide Social Network for active and retired law enforcement officers, volunteers & supporters.
    Avi Lap
  • Robyn

    you are quite welcome hun
  • Ken 2405

    I'm doing good to learn to manage this one but I will try soon.

  • Jim

    Thanks i will check that out

    thats ok...i never get on my firefighter one anyway much. I will let my family know though...they are all in law enforcement. My pop is a sheriff out in south bend, indiana
  • Denise

    Why New York? Whats so special about NY... LOL...
  • Tasha Schweitzer

    Thanks for the add! Stay safe!
  • sandra

    Thanx for the welcome...my daughter is a volunteer firefighter in Vestal, New York.
    Take care and stay safe out there.
  • Hiedi

    Thank you I'l check it out!!
  • lloyd

    Always good to have the "law" on your side,
  • BIG Firefighter Bear

    Thanks brother... actually former law enforcement in Ohio (K-9 in Kent). Will defiitely have to check out the site. Hope all is well and look forward to keeping in touch. Stay safe....
  • Nichole

    thank you, i will check it out. stay safe out there.
  • Paul Covey

    Thanks! I have a few close friends that are local PD officers. I have allot of respect for them. We work closely together including on the drug task force.
  • Lora

    Thanks for adding me!! Stay safe..
  • Jim Legington

    Thanks AVI LAP,
    Really appreciate Your sharing and when I'm over at my
    facebook again will check it out. Be Blessed always...Peace!
  • SLIM

  • susan

    Texas Thanks
  • Jim Legington

    Hi AVI LAP,

    Just wanted to say hello and I did get Your note. Sorry
    that I just automatically thoughts You were speaking
    of FaceBook. I'm going to point my browser that way just
    as soon as we leave this place today. Gotta give it a
    peak. Be Blessed always...Peace!
  • jeff french

    hey man how r u doin
  • susan

    stopping by
  • GARY

  • susan

  • Debby

    Hi There;
    How is your day going? How come all the cute guys live half way around the world from me?
    Ah well, have a wonderful day and keep in touch.
  • Debby

    How are You? Nice to hear from you. Wish you were closer I would love to run and get a cup of coffee with you.
    Have a wonderful day!
  • susan

  • Jim Legington

    Hi AVILAP,

    How are You today my Friend? You will find a real kool
    tool at our Blog Post on April 25, 2008. Google Me - the
    Movie was just released on April 25, 2008. This really
    could be one as the great thing like Twitter.com
    This time it's as good as it gets to compare with the
    impact of email these days. See our Blog Here.
    You can find me on Twitter as VisionSphere.

    Be Blessed always...Peace!
    Jim Legington
  • Chad Lawson

    if you cant stand the heat, become a policeman !!! lol how you doing meow ?
  • SLIM

  • Patty

    Thanks for adding me to your friends list.
  • Rev. Ken

    Thanks for the invite, I will definately check it out.
  • Josh

    alrite i will do that thank you for the invitation