Brian Gilbert

51, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
18 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Big Bend - Vernon, WI
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Clear Lake Fire Dept, TX
Muldrolf Fire Dept, KY
Wilson FD, WI
395th ODR FD, WI
Town of Sheboygan Falls FD, WI
Cross Ambulance, WI
City of Sheboygan Falls FD, WI
Plymouth Ambulance, WI
Plymouth FD, WI
Orange Cross Ambulance, WI
My Training:
I am a state Firefighter 2, MPO- pumper/Arial, Fire Officer II, Fire Inspector, Rescue Diver, Fire Instructor, and Paramedic.
Day Job:
Career Firefighter
Relationship Status:
Why I Love Fire/EMS

Comment Wall:

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  • Inge

    hi thanks for welcome have a good day take care inge
  • marisol

    hi brian! tnx for being interested for having as one of your friends. i hope i'll have a change to c u. u take care!
  • Lou

    Thank you very much, Brian.
  • Kathy M 449

    Thank you Brian!
  • Jennifer

    Have a great weekend and stay safe!
  • Brandy

    thanks Brian, i am excited about the career choice and looking forward to meeting alot of new people, and making friends along the way.
  • Jennifer

    thank you... so how are you doing?
  • Theresa Giardino

  • Malinda

    Thank you! Have a great week, be safe.
  • Cathi

    hey thanks:) you as well!!
  • Shelbey

  • Chel

    Hi, Just stopped by to say hi...and have a great weekend.
  • Lisa

  • Diane

    Thanks for the request. Stay safe, and enjoy your weekend!
  • Mary Anderson

    Thanks for the welcome, Stay safe out there
  • Amanda

    thankk you
  • Michelle E

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Denise Danks

    Thanks for adding me Brian =)
  • ish


    hi!! thnks for the welcoming!!!
  • Alexandria Wiedmeyer

    Thank you! Stay safe
  • freda558

    Hey thanks Im a newbie here and you take care
  • Mark168

    Great pics ! Welcome to the nation from a transplanted Badger !
  • Sandi Humphfres

    Thanks !
  • Kate

    Thanks for the welcome! : )
  • Caryn

    Thanks! Thanks for the add!
  • Dawn Melody Bladel

    Thanks for the add sorry I took so long to get back to you hectic schedule!! :-) I like your pics I 'm not computer savy enough yet to put pics up yet but I'm working on !! Stay safe my brother !! Like the video
    it touches my heart every time I view it. May we never ever firget the sacirfices made tha fateful day .
    Dawn Bladel
  • Yee

    thank ya!
  • Christy Hardin

    Thanks for the welcome I am really new to all the firefightening stuff!!!
  • karen

  • Raven Tew

    Thanks for the add.
  • Cody Hammes

    Hey man thanks for the comment! I didnt know this was similar to myspace. pretty cool im glad i found this.
  • Cody Hammes

    o wow i just saw where you are from your about 30-45 min away from where i live u with HFD?
  • Anissa Bingman

    Hi Brian! Thanks for the welcome! I actually hail from the middle of the country. I grew up in Kansas and have lived most of my life in Ks, IA, OK and that is where most of my family lives. I'm th only crazy one who moved to NY.
  • Anissa Bingman

    I grew up in Shawnee - just outside of KC. I still have family there.
  • Kim Weikert

    hey thanks for the add, and at least we are in the same county
  • Annie

  • Erin

    Thanks for the comment. Be safe out there!
  • Ida

    Thanks for the add!
  • coryEMT-I

    have a great weekend..stay safe!!!
  • Angela

  • Colleen Walz

    Thanks Brian
  • Jennifer

    Hey Brian!
    Thanks for the welcome to FFN! Be safe out there!
  • Jennifer

    Forgot to tell you... My partner is from WI! It's all he talks about, especially during summer... HE HATES THE CAROLINA HEAT!
  • Samantha

    Thanks for adding me to your friends!
  • Stephanie

    Thanks for the welcome.. thought I would say hi:)
  • tammy

    thanks for adding me to yours, i also have my space and yahoo hope to here from ya take care, welcome to ffn,

  • Genise

    I wanted to say hello to everyone sense I have not been on here in a while, I have been working alot and trying to get some of my firefighting training done, so hopefully I will be able to keep in touch with everyone now! Everyone stay safe out there and God Bless You All!!!
  • Hall6235

    used to be north houston. though im currently stationed in virginia.
  • lauran jones
