
, Male

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Castleton, NY
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
East Greenbush, NY Fire Department Past Chief
My Training:
Day Job:
Curtis Lumber
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
1991 i joined the emergency services

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  • Bre

    Not much I just have to work
  • Bre

    It Does
  • Donald Haase

    I WILL THANKS.my main pic. is on the side of a truck
  • Donald Haase

    I put up a few lol...i have good ones but im at work lol
  • Marie

    hahahah i totally know what cha mean!!!!
  • Felicia

    things in berne are pretty good. no really big calls lately, last one I went to infact took about 8 minutes just to take something out of the chimney and it was fine. although there was a huge like 5 company structure fire that had I think renneslearville, trivillage, medusa, and i think westerlo and one other on it
  • Anna Harrison

    Thanks and I will. Well I am off to bed. Long day tomorrow at the fire station and then off to sleep at the
    Rescue Station and hope we get some good calls. Ttyl, stay safe.
  • Angela Dorato

    Have a great Easter.
  • Trish

    Have a Happy Easter........
  • Trish

    hey man...weather is good..how r things with u?
  • Trish

    I'll send some warm Florida sunshine your way...ok?
  • sandra

    doing fine out here on the west end! have had a couple of sunny days...wow...sunshine...what a concept!! been busy at work ... Kentucky Derby in 42 more days...(I work on the wagering end of the horse racing industry)...lots of pre-Derby prep races going on all over the USA. How far are you from Vestal, NY...that is where my daughter is a volunteer firefighter..? Stay safe out there!
  • Trish

    aw...thank u
  • Kersten Sachs

    Thanks. Hope you have a fun and safe Easter!
  • Anna Harrison

    I will, happy easter to you too. :)
  • Kersten Sachs

    My day has been ok. Pretty uneventful...
  • Kersten Sachs

    No.So far, nothing has happened.
  • Kersten Sachs

    It was quiet and relaxing. Just the way I like it! I'm off shift now, so I can say it's quiet without fear of getting busy. ha ha
  • Kersten Sachs

    Long shift. I'll be back on tomorrow morning at 7. Working a volunteer truck right now.
  • Liz

    pretty good i guess.
  • Bre

    I survived wat about you
  • Bre

    OK I guess
  • Anna Harrison

    My weekend was okay I guess. Just relaxed, saw some family and chilled with some friends. Well I am off to bed, got class tomorrow night. Bye
  • Amy

    Thanks for the add. Hope all is well, stay safe and have fun.AMy
  • Amy

    Thanks for the add. Hope all is well. Stay safe and have fun
  • Anna Harrison

    Hello, My day was good. My weekly fire meeting was canceled last night so I had time to chill with friends I haven't seen in a while. Act like a kid again. Lol. We just hit random parking lots and skateboarded. But I haven't done that in a while so it was fun. How are you?
  • Jacqueline

    thanks for the add and the welcome
  • misty

    Thank you!!! Its been a long week!! lol we had call after call it never stoped today!! Thank god its friday!! Have a great night,Misty
  • Anna Harrison

    Yeah, I am at the station from 0800-1100 today and then we have a parade that I am apart of around 1130. Then I am throwing a party at my house tonight. The last night of fun before I go back to work on tuesday.
  • Tiffany

    Great Im new to all this so have patients with me but thank you for being the first to welcome me.
  • misty

    ONE CALL!!!!!! all day? OMG!! I would love that!! lol, Have a great day!!
  • Meghan

    things are going pretty well. I'm a little nervous cause I have burn day and state test this week for FF1. Hope that I pass and don't get cursed out by the instructors.
  • Christina Luick

    Things here are quiet. Just surfin the net. Enjoying my Saturday night. Stay safe out there!!
  • Meghan

    Thanks, I'm just a little nervous cause I'm in the worst goup ever and don't want to fail becuase of something stupid they do.
  • Jacqueline

    hey...lifes been better but hey wat can u do?

    overworked and underpayed!!

    lol stay safe
  • misty

  • Kay

    Everything is Great!!! thanks! Hope all is well with you to.
  • Laura

    Thank you so much!
  • Lorri

    Thanks so much, God bless you......This is just soooo hard.
  • Bobbiesue

    Just stoppin by to say hi! Stay safe out there
  • Bobbiesue

    Everything is goin good... How about you?
  • Bobbiesue

    About the same just relaxing...
  • Jen

    hey what's up....my weekend is going alright...i just got back from a quincenera or however you spell that. what about you?
  • Chrissy

    Hi I hope all is well. The name you have given me does not sound familiar to me. Does he belong to any fire Departments?? Have a great weekend and take care.
  • Laura

    Thanks so much for asking, no its not been a good week. I knew the female ff Robin...so its just very difficult right now. She had 2 beautiful daughters that will never see her again, as do I. So thank you just keep them in your prayers......
  • Keith Bradt SR

    hey bill nice stop last night. we had
    a bedroom fire yesterday on washinton
    ave .stay safe lates bro..
  • amanda edenburn

    Have you received your results from your EMT test? hope you did good. talk to ya later
  • amanda edenburn

    CONGRATS!!!! good job. See all that studing paid off, lol.I know it feels good to be done with all that studing. Now the fun stuff starts. :)
  • KC Huff

    Thanks for the comment, I sent you a friend request! Hope to talk to ya soon!
  • KC Huff

    I'm working this weekend...like I have for the past 8 months!!! I keeping our schedule will change to where I get weekends off for a change...up side is the brass is never here!