Single fire fighters

A place for single fire fighters to chat
  • Dating someone in the Fire/EMS service vs dating a "civillian"

    So my best friend and I were discussing the benifits and challenges of dating someone who is in Fire/EMS versus someone who has no background in Fire/EMS. Both of us agreed that having someone in the same "service" helps you to debrief from work etc but we didn't find much more of pro's and con's…

    By Kate

  • New to group

    Hey everyone my names Kyle Im a volunteer for 3 dept. in the Pendleton OR. area dont have much time to check the computer but am interested in meeting new people and someone to talk to about the calls your normal person just wont understand.

    By Kyle Bryant

  • Dating People vs Seeing Someone

    I was out for drinks with friends last night and the topic came up of dating versus seeing someone.  I want to hear other peoples thoughts and ideas.Here is what was discussed:Dating - You can see multiple people, you have to be upfront, honest and open that these are your intentions to the people…

    By Jennifer Croston

  • How to be a single father and firefighter

    I'm new here and found this site through Google. My marriage has been falling apart for some time now. I would like it to last, but I think my wife has given up and the kids are suffering. I'm affraid that divorce is in the future. I love my kids and love being a dad. How can you possibly be a…

    By John


    TELL ME WHENYOUR BIRTHDAY IS... SO WE CAN CELEBRATE TOGETHER JANUARY 27th - Marie Conte and Ayumi Masterson FEBRUARY 19th - Jamie T MARCH 14th - Patch APRIL 14th - Sarah MAY 4th - Steve23rd - Heather B JUNE  JULY  AUGUST  SEPTEMBER 30th - Grant Allen OCTOBER  NOVEMBER  DECEMBER 7th - AJ…

    By Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

  • Single vs. Attached

    Now, I am sure that most of us would agree that being single definately makes things easier. You have no one to answer to when you don't show up cuz you're on a call, no one to check in with when you are at a fire scene for 6 hrs, etc. But my question is, does this ever work even if you find…

    By Megan

  • Anyone in the souther illinois region ?

    if there is anyone in the southern illinois that would like to chat hit me up on here

    By Travis Skinner

  • Hey!

    Does anyone in this group want to get to know me?

    By Curtis Mensch

  • Frozen Tundra!!!

    Ok, I admit, Im not the smartest person in the world for moving to this HOLE! But, I do live here right now and I cant get away. Is there any other female firefighters from this neck of the woods? Please let me know and we can chat. Heck even if your not from anywhere near here, give me a…

    By Harry Rogers

  • anybody live in/near Santa Barbara ?

    Best Friend and I will be heading to Santa Barbara for a girls weekend .. Can anyone recommend any places to go or stay while there... Thanks ...xoxo

    By Gia
