Hey just wondering what everyone is using for turnout gear? what brand, do you like you turnout gear? dislike? Any opions.

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lighter fluid and a match will dissolve the gum, that should cure your problem. lol
at OP we have every name brand you can think of because to many people make decisions, so we've got as many brand names as opinions in the fire service.
I'm wearing MP for the last couple years, too heavy, too restrictive, and falling apart but I have never felt uncomfortable heat while working (including flashover simulator at FDIC which was close to 1800 degs) so I don't mind it. My favorite ever was Quaker. Now were buying Firedex which looks pretty nice as far as comfort and the guys who use it , like it. We also just started buying something new that I'm sorry I don't know the company but it's being supplied by Boozer from DiVal , it's shiney and gold and reminds me of the old "space suits" but the guys say it's like wearing a ski jacket. we'll have to see which one performs best....I'll keep you posted.

We had about 10 sets of Quaker, the only complaint is the Collars are very high and get in the way of everything. I've seen a few sets of the Fire-Dex, the guys that have worn them (from other companies) seem to like them alot. Secure-tex is name brand that Boozer sold you guys. We've tried other brands and keep going back to Morning Pride
Secure-Tex, sounds like a female hygene product, guess that's why I couldn't remember, lol.
I would really like the Morning pride if it would hold up better, and was a little lighter, maybe we got a bad batch but it did not stay put together well.

Let me know how the "Secure-tex" performs and if you guys like it or not.
Hey Sean yeah we have Globe, I like globe dont get me wrong. Its my turn to buy our turnout gear and i am exploring my options. I have worn morning pride and no thank you, and have seen a dept that got fire-dex on a fema grant and most of it was shot in two years. I agree with a comment earlier, wear your gear get in to some good heat and then tell me what you think. We are not a busy dept by no means we do around 110 fire calls a year, but i have seen my fair share of heat both training at the montour falls academy and in some good jobs here at home. Globe is nice, it breaths fairly well and is not to cumbersome. I am looking at bristol gear. A dept that i know has it and loves it for the decreased weight and flexibility of the gear. Thats all stay safe.


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