What kind of gear do u wear on extrication calls? A few years back we got extrication coveralls. A few of the guys wear the coveralls all the time. I myself like to wear my turnout gear (with the vest).
How many extrications have you guys worked where the car burst into flame during the extrication?
That is a rare, rare occurance. Most MVCs that involve fire are burning when the call comes in, and most of the rest don't burn.
If you can reduce heat stress by wearing the coveralls or lighter-weight extrication coat and pants, do it!
Tyson, How many times have you seen a car burst into flames during an extrication?
If the answer is "zero" or a number close to it, then chances are that you're overdressing for the event if you're just doing extrication.
there are many product lines for extrication only ppe we wear a two piece set similar to wildfire gear that is flash proof, with a blood born pathogen layer. We have found that during summer months the heat retention caused by using bunker gear is detrimental to safety, and health. granted with the right man power and IC rotating men throughout the call can help
i have been doing extrication for 22 years and not once have iv seen a car burst into flames while doing veh extrication. the people that are in charge need to realize "that just because it has always been done this way" that things change and need to continue to change.
Full Structure Gear+ nomex hood +helmet! well, thats for most of the guys, the capt's and chiefs will wear their brush coats and helmet or just there helemts.