The most forgotten issue is to cover all the sharp edges after cutting. Use the right designed material and will not injure the personel and protect the victims.

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Not seeing a North American distributor, William. Got something in the pipeline?
Dear Tim,

At this moment we sell direct to the end user till the moment we find a proper dealer for this magnificent product.
I invite you to our website and feel free to ask me more by mail.

i think when we have an agreement with a dealer the price will be rising so if you see possibilities we can sell you for dealerprices.

regarding to hear from you

William Bettonviel
Chief...take old 2.5 that does pass testing (or 1.75) and cut it into 10-12 in. lengths.
Then cut it along one side and fold it over on itself creating a pocket.
Lastly, use duct tape to secure that pocket.

These pockets can be kept in a bin or five gal. pail with more duct tape.
Place the pocket downwards over the remaining roof column "stubs" and duct tape the base of the hose jacket to the remaining car parts.

It does the same thing and saves a shit load of funds for life saving equipment and training.
We make them up all the time. They work great.
Mike,We use 4 or 5" ourselves. I looked at the Protection set,it's a nice concept. Was just inquiring if they had a NA distributor as it is an across the pond product're think the smallest we used was 3". And I meant does NOT pass testing...


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