How many Departments out there use the rescue stabilizing jacks for mva's?


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We use Res-Q-Jack brand . We purchased the Coral Gables package at the time. The kit came complete with pretty much everything we needed. The jacks are heavy and somewhat difficult for 1 person to handle but strength usually comes with weight. Lots of pieces and takes up a lot a space on the rig. We generally don't use them unless they are our only alternative because of the weight and slightly longer setup time required. And sometimes they have been the only alternative.
Please use the "search" function. There are several other posts on this sasme topic with a variety of comments and reviews of the pros and cons of different tensioned buttress systems (the generic name).
Thanks Ben i'm new to this site. thanks for the info
Thanks for the reply Mark our jacks aren't real heavy and we have placed the in the back of the Rescue. We have our inservice on them this Tuesday, so it's new to us.
No problem. It's fairly common for new members to start conversations that have already been done a few times. It is also common for the new members to get offended and throw an ongoing hissy fit.

Thanks for being a professional about it - it is much appreciated!

And BTW, my department uses the Rescue 42 Telecribbing. Our front-line unit has the composite 6-strut kit (4 long, 2 short) and the reserve has the older steel version of the same kit. They have worked well for us, and for the patients.


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