Found this on a FFN members profile. You're the OIC on the rescue unit- you arrive on scene with a driver trapped in each vehicle.


What Would You Do?

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Unique! You don't see this one very often.
Honey, is someone at the door???
C'mon TC- surely you've got some ideas???? :-)

Wes- don't hate those really pushy door-to-door sales people who wedge their truck in your door as you try to close it?
I'd stabilize the vehicles pretty much the way it was done in the photo, except that we have Rescue 42 Telecribbing struts. We'd also add our USAR unit and shore the porch roof, and if necessary the house interior.

Patient removal would be by medical priority. If the medical status was the same, I'd extricate the truck driver first. It looks as if he's not trapped, so access from the passenger side, spinal packaging, and a ladder slide to ground level would probably be all that was required.

The patient in the SUV would probably be accessed through the rear hatchback. Disentanglement would require removing the rear and middle seats or making sure that they could be folded into a flush storage position, then cutting the seat back away from the driver's seat while manually imobilizing him/her.

If a dash push was required, a simple spreader lift from the lower(passenger) side is probably all that is required, although doing a half-moon cut to the steering wheel ring may help.

The crux move on the iSUV nterior is if the driver was belted or not. If belted, he/she is hanging fromt he seat belt, and requires physical support during the disentanglement and removal, but is likely less injured. If not belted, the driver is likely in a pile on the passenger floorboard and has more severe injuries. However, the extrication is probably simpler and much less physical/manual support will be required prior to moving the patient onto a spineboard and out of the vehicle.
As per usual, I'm only reading this thread for more background. Not being in a rescue Brigade/Unit.

But that door-to-door pest? Foot stuck in my door = he's attempting to get into my house = entering without permission = self defense kick from me to the lower part of his shin. I always wear steel-cap boots, he is going to be in pain. I also suggest afterwards that he learn to read as I have a "No Hawkers" sticker next to my door. I can't stand those people; religion pedlers included.

Sorry, back to the poor people trapped in those vehicles...
Nope,this one picture doesn't offer me enough info for alternative ideas. looks like a good place for a Rotator. Easy meat then. You check out my plane crash yet?
I did see those pics- is that your rig lifting it?

In relation to thsi pic, it doesn't appear to be a hard one in terms of physical pins on the patient. It looks more like a pain in the butt trying to access the vehciles and also stabilising....
Yup,our rig. Really nice FAA guy there. Didn't understand what I wanted to do until I showed him. Don't think we'll have any problem getting another job from him. Love these weird jobs,just adds more to the resume . Second Aircraft crash we've had in 10 days. Very odd.


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