does anyone have a procedure for flow testing hydrants that does not allow for property damage? i'm looking to come up with a soultion to help my small vol fd with a few hydrants that are on property where every time they have to flow (once a year) the property owner complains about the damage to the area when they are done. perhaps something that takes it to the street?"

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It would require a new piece of equipment but… With a flow meter you can route the water through hose anywhere you want. There is some limitation to how much hose you can put on and still get a reasonable hydrant test. If it is really fragile where the hydrant is then you can hook the hydrant to an empty Tender(Tanker) and do the hydrant test into the Tender. Remember that a valid hydrant test is done with 20 psi residual pressure at the hydrant. The flow meter makes life so much easier…

I'm having a hard time uploading a picture or a link to show you with my new internet explorer, sorry
Can also use a diffuser where it'll angle the water away from the property and can mist it. Believe Darley sells that.
I too was thinking on the line of a diffuser. I wonder if the property owners would welcome a flow test, if it ensured a working hydrant if...oh say the home they lived was on fire? I certainly understand the damage point...the scales seem to go in favor of a little damage/to save property/lives.


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