
Turkey Hunters

Anyone who love to hunt, fish, or just being outdoors.

Members: 33
Latest Activity: Aug 27, 2010

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Comment by Randy Macey on December 26, 2008 at 8:51pm
This is kind a nice, a group with in the group... My family has trap for many years. In fact it has been given up about 4 or 5 years ago. But we still all get together for some hunting and fishing in the great white northern Ontario.
This year fishing was not the greatest, but the bugs where huge. Went back up for some birds and rabbits. This is more of a pre-season hunt for scouting out for moose.

Our moose hunting was great, at least for us. My family had been up about 4 days before me and my hunting partner arrived. First morning out, my hunting partner shot a nice cow in the first 15 minutes. My issue with my hunting partner is that he comes up so stressed. That when I drop him off some where. He walks for hours till the stress is gone, then I get the stress.
Trying to figure is he lost or is he hurt. So this year I drop him off to a small trail that where they finished logging. Told him to follow this trail and take the left skidder trail. This would take him out to where I would be set up.

Well just as I got to my location, and about to load my gun. I heard two shots!
It was not far, and figured it was my partner. We had already passed my family coming into the area. So we have completed the task, but it took us 6 hours to get the cow out.

So the rest of the time up there was just taking it easy and enjoying the company. We did some scouting and took lots of pictures. Went for some birds and rabbit. But all in all, just enjoy family and friends and have some fun.
Comment by IPN on November 20, 2008 at 8:58am
Hi, its Steve from IPN. Hunting for a special deal? Have I got one for you! Become a dispatcher for IPN and receive 100 bonus points just for signing up! Go to and mention STEVE in the "how did you hear about IPN?" section. Thanks!
Comment by Bob Allard on June 30, 2008 at 6:46pm
Love the outdoors and love to hunt, if I could I would hunt every day, even if I don't get anything its just being in the outdoors and being away from all the rushing and every day working.

RETIRED, outdoors alot
Comment by Adam Clines on May 14, 2008 at 4:38pm
Welcome all. Just wanted to create a group where anyone can come and tell hunting stories and firefighting ones as well. Once again thanx for joining and hope to hear some great stories. Adam Clines

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