Last week we ran a SCBA drill in the station.. we used tables and chairs in the meeting room and done it in the dark.. made the guys find the victim and bring the victim out.. in the middle of one evolution, we gave the blast on the air horn.. keep in mind, that a Lt. was doing the search and rescue with an experienced fire fighter.. i blasted the air horn for one full min as SOP states.. The officer continued to search for the downed victim after becoming paniced..the experienced fire fighter even told the officer lets go and it apparently didnt register in his mind... The assistant Chief watched the Lt. I spoke up and clearly stated, "everyone out, Now!" The evacuation signal was given for a reason! after finding the victim they proceeded to drag it out.. This is not a good situation.. Newly appointed officers need to be closely monitored.. Iam only a humble grunt, and know better.. i would have dragged that Lt. out wether he liked it or not.. this is not an appropriate example of leadership..
My questions are:
Are there any good ways to test this officers abilities as a firefighter in an evolution?
What would be an appropriate way to address this situation with the Lt?
Any help you can give will be apriciated...

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this is a hard one isn't it. Leadership is often a hard place to occupy. One must be able to lead; but, ALSO must be able to LISTEN AND HEAR what others are sayiung/or in this case teaching. I would ask in a group setting.."what does a one minute horn blast mean? "What is EVERY firefighter to do upon hearing this? Regardless of rank/new/ does not matter..this IS what IS to happen. I wold even speak with the chief ahead of time, and get his backing. Even ask him to follow up your words, with his in a (reinforcement manner). Get others of his rank or higher..even those who he respects to back you up/speak up with you. Be humble..but, also be assured in what is the CORRECT response that EVERYONE must adhere to.
all the suggestions below are great ones and very good points to consider. before your next drill, pull up the LODD audio from San Francisco recently. have the guys listen and then conduct the drill. as soon as a crew doesn't respond, call a mayday and activate your RIT. have them go in and get the crew and maybe that will drive him to understand the importance. stick to the basics and stay low brother! good luck


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