Training Networking, aid, support and advancements. Check out the NEW ISFSI and join!

Members ONLY archives:
The ISFSI Members archives include more than 150 full length instructional outlines, power point presentations, templates, prop ideas/designs, quick drills, etc. ISFSI members are provided unlimited access to this growing library of instructional tools and support materials.

Legislative representation – Members are provided national representation on Capital Hill (Washington DC) during monthly “Fire Side Chats” and related national/federal conferences & committees.

Allied Organizations Support
Opportunity to work collectively with numerous local, state, and federal working groups representing the interest of fire service training. The ISFSI has partnerships and represents the instructor on national efforts such as Fire Corps, National Fallen Firefighter Foundation, Assistance to Fire Act Grants Programs, etc.

Personalized Membership Card
An easy way to show your employer, client, and colleagues that you are committed to positive change through training and education.

Conferences and Expositions
ISFSI's presence and participation at national conferences, along with its own conference programs, provide networking and learning opportunities for it's members.

Networking Opportunities
The ability to find and learn from colleagues in the fire service is one of the most important and valuable benefits provided through membership in ISFSI. Your membership assures that, whatever new idea or training technique occurs to you, you won't have to "go it alone!"

Mentoring Programs
ISFSI's leadership and senior members are supportive and encouraging. Through the Internet, telephone, fax, and written communications, they are consistently ready and willing to share their experience and expertise with you.

Web Site
ISFSI's newly revised web site provides members with up-to-date information on the organizations activities and with ways to find and communicate with one another.

ISFSI & Pennwell Partnership! Fire Engineering and PennWell, producers of the world's greatest firefighter training conference and exhibition, the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC), proudly announce the formalized partnership between the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) and Fire Engineering's FDIC. The agreement, signed September 16 in the Fair Lawn, New Jersey, office of Fire Engineering, expresses in writing what has long has existed, a strong and mutually beneficial relationship between the instructors of the American fire service, represented by the ISFSI, and Fire Engineering/FDIC. FDIC is again the home of the International Association of Fire Service Instructors--now and in the future.

These two leading organizations in fire service instruction have combined in the past to support one another in extending world-class quality fire service education and producing world-class quality fire service educators. The ISFSI, which holds its national members meeting at the FDIC annually in Indianapolis, Indiana, is proud to announce that Pennwell Corporation, parent company of Fire Engineering, is extending to all society members a 10% discount on the full conference registration to FDIC. The ISFSI is also presenting an eight-hour workshop on developing fire service instructional methodology.

This year's FDIC, April 20-25, 2009, promises to be the largest, most comprehensive, and most beneficial training opportunity nationally and internationally for all levels of fire service practitioners. FDIC will be hosting more than 24 hands-on training evolutions, 34 preconference workshops, and more than 160 classroom presentations. The ISFSI and Fire Engineering are proud to be working together to bring the very best in quality education to firefighters from around the world.

For online registration information for FDIC, go to

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