Do Juniors have and/or hold any certification or have any training in your department? Are they certified in First Aid? CPR?


If not, should they be? (I realize that most Jrs aren't allowed to have ANY patient contact)

Should that(cert.) count as "Extra Credit"?


Basically,~If a Junior/Cadet/Whatever you call them~holds some type of Cert. they would be more ready to hold further certification for a career job?


Just wondering~

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On our department, we are in the process of switching our "youngins" over to Jr Firefighters under a new state program from the Boy Scouts of America "Explorer" program. We haven't done any real medical training with them yet but I think being certified in CPR would definitely be a plus. Even though they probably won't use this "cert" while doing dept functions, it would be a plus for them to know for the "off duty" side. They (the state) are now going to allow Jrs (ages 15-17) to go ahead and get the Firefighter Survival & Rescue cert which is required for all new incoming members.

Personally I think this is a plus as it will aloow the jrs to be close to or at the required certification level when they turn 18 and want to join as an active member. For about a year now the state has even added a spot for jrs on the state training database.
Tom, i'll second you on that! Anything you can do to be ready when that magical 18 comes should be a plus. I know of no age stipulation on being able to do CPR. If you are certified I don't care how old you are! (I am getting too old to do compressions for 30 minutes anymore)
There is a lot of training that can be done before you don turnout gear. I have to put on my EMS hat for a second and say MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL RECRUITS PASS A PHYSICAL BEFORE YOU DO ANY PRACTICE!
With so many kids having hidden medical conditions it is essential that they are cleared for anything strenous and know that firefighting is a stressful job.
Good point dolph on the physicals , I started 35 years ago as a explorer, we had the hand me down no longer useable turnouts, and since our firechief at the time was a state instructor we could sit in on the classes he taught ,but no state certification till we were 18 , we also were cpr certified (never know when you would need it) ,Now in my present dept. we have a couple jr.ff and myself and another ass't chief train them using the scene support course, been going over where items are kept on the trucks ,what each item is used for , how to do the weekly truck checks , but always have a member with them to help run small equip,etc , they basically tell us what to check and record it on proper sheets , i must say the jr's do a fine job and i would take them to any fire scene and assist them in their allowable duties anytime .
First aid and CPR is a plus but firefighter certification has a long way to go in my state and across the country. If we got explorers, juniors, cadets, etc. going on hoselines or throwing ladders, they should have the privelige of having the certifications of a NFPA 1001 firefighter. My fire department has in-house certificates when it comes to certain training (engine company, truck company, etc.), which our explorers can get. The children are our future.

Our under-18 members were allowed to participate in all department training and state fire schools. Since we started the program, we have had 4 members "graduate" to being full firefighters. 3 of the members took and completed NYS FF1, with 2 succesfully taking and passing the National FF1 test. All of this was done before turning 18. Also all 4 members took the AHA First Aid/CPR/AED course.


The only restriction that was placed on the under-18 members was that they were not allowed to be on an interior team at a working structure fire, at the discretion of the OIC. All four members were either second or third generation firefighters, who had grown up around the fire service. The minimum age for membership is 16.

As a Cadet with my local FD, we do get certified for some things. As of now, because I am fairly new, and we've been pretty busy, I'm not certified with anything yet. Sonn, (hopefully) I will be certified in basic first aid, CPR, and AED use. Also, this is directly from our webpage. "THE PROGRAM TRAINS THE CADETS IN THE BASICS OF FIREFIGHTING, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, CPR/AED AND MEDICAL FIRST RESPONDER. UPON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE PROGRAM THE CADET IS CERTIFIED FIREFIGHTER 1&2, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AWARENESS & OPERATION LEVEL AND LICENSED AS A MEDICAL FIRST RESPONDER, AND IS ELIGIBLE FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE FIRE DEPARTMENT UPON THEIR 18TH BIRTHDAY AND GRADUATION FROM HIGH SCHOOL." We train with the rest of the fire department every other week, and we have a special training day for Cadets once a month.


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