I make in department fire videos. Strickly for enternainment for us and other stations.  there like slide shows with 1 or 2 vids, covering the years fires, vehicle accidents, esb's, psa's.  What im looking for is songs that would be good in vids like this.  i have 3 so far. im mainly looking for rock, metal, classic, but im open to it all.   thanks for the help.

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flirting with disaster...molly hatchet
Rascal Flats Unstoppable (Olympic Mix).

Theme to Rocky is also pretty good too.
How to Save a Life - The Fray
go on youtube and search for FF Pozo he has a couple of videos with some kick ass songs
I talked to my 18 year old son about this and he said the following song would work after listening to them I agree. I won't back down by Johnny Cash, HERO by Skillet good song and I'm old. Burn by t Throwdown, It's not my time by # Doors Down of course Crazy train by Ozzy, Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I listened to these and They are really good Ozzy was my idea
Fuel by Metalica

Injection-Rise Against


One of our captains wants to do a fire department-themed version of "Call Me Maybe".


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