Pipeline Leak Recognition and What to Do?

How to Recognize Where a Pipeline Is
Many buried pipelines used in the transportation of petroleum products and natural gas are identified by above ground pipeline markers. Some pipelines transport other hazardous products such as chemicals, highly volatile liquids, and anhydrous ammonia, or carbon dioxide. Pipeline markers are located along certain pipeline routes that identify the approximate location of the pipeline.

Every pipeline marker provides critical information to the general public and emergency responders such as the company that operates the pipeline, product transported, and a phone number that should be called in the event of an emergency. Markers may be seen where a pipeline intersects a street, highway, or railway.

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I have worked in this industry for more than 41 years. I am a formen vol. fire
fire chief in NJ I will respond later but it is important to understand
the indicators and even more important to have a relationanship with any pipe-
line company in your district more later
Liquid hazardous material pipelines are supposed to be proactive in connecting with
and offering information to 1st responders thru which their facilies are located
If they are not contact them their line markers should have their phone number
or if they have a website it should have info and numbers Also they usually have
emergency numbers an manned and unmand sites. My former company was good the last
decade and I went around local fire depts to invite the to training
A different company ran thru my fire district in NJ and I had to call them.

an example www.buckeye.com


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