I will be starting as a volunteer in June and have heard that there can be issues in regards to the treatment of Volunteers and paid FF. I would appreciate any information, advice, or comments.


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I started out my fire career as a vol ff over 17 yrs ago . I still vol today but I`ve been a pd ff for almost 7 yrs @ another dept. I don`t know how the pd/vol depts work, but if there is problems between pd/vols then that is recipe for disaster. if the fire ground is not united then someone has a good chance of being hurt. Its good to be paid for this job but being able to help someone in need is enough reward. I know we have to do some crazy stuff but that is part of being a ff. Serving your community in anyway pd or vol ,should be main reason to be in this job. fire depts (pd/vol) have their ways of doing things . FF don't know everything. we have to learn from each other. fd have their limitation,that when they need to ask for help from other depts.willing to learn from each other will be the best for every ff. your safety depends on you.
I've seen first hand when vol dept could not swallow their pride and ask for help from a pd dept w/more resources. the outcome may have been different but we'll never know. We are here for our communities. Our pride should not stand in our way to better serve the people of our communities.
Let me start off by say ing that ive been in your shoes. I started off 7 years ago in a vol. dept. Im now a LT with my local dept. We work really close with a career dept that I start with next week. My experience with them has been nothing but good when working together. All of their guys respect the fact that im an Lt and have no problems with that. I dont know if its because our vol dept has the training requirments and levels or the fact that most of them were vol at some point, but I can tell you that if you act professional and keepan open mind on training then you'll be just fine. Vol guys are starting to get more respect in the world today because of the training that we do and the level of dicipline that we hold. Keep your head up and know that no matter where you go theres always someone who has issues with someone else or your status. Dont let it get to you and dont show your fear of the whole vol vs paid stuff.
Here is my two cents worth on a very serious topic in the fire service today...

First, treat all firefighters with the respect they deserve regardless of their pay status or your pay status. If you do this you will be setting a good example for others.

Depending on where you work/volunteer will depend on how paid and volly FF's will work together and treat each other. I have seen places where they work together seamlessly and you can not tell the difference and unfortunately I have been on a couple of departments where the paid staff treated the volly's like second rate firefighters. I have never let this hold me down. I have strived to be the most Professional Vollunteer Firefighter I can. You may be confused by this... simply continue to learn, continue to present yourself in a professional manner (grooming, uniform, attitude, compentency, ect), and do not give the customer any reason to think less of you. Beoynd that, who cares what the full time guys think of you so long as you are doing the right thing at the right time and doing it the right way and have the training and knowledge base to back it up. Remember, we all put our bunker gear on the same and the fire or the idiot drunk who drove around the barricade will kill you just as dead regardless of pay status.

Also, if you move on to a paid position please, remember where you started. Most paid FF's started or are still Volly's.

I have seen both sides treat each other with respect and sometimes with no respect. It all depends on the person or persons involved. I am a volunteer in what is called a combination system where there are both career and volunteers. I know some volunteers who became career and now think that they are better than the volunteers. I know some volunteers who have no respect for the career side either.

Wherever you go, I hope that your department can work together because when you're needed and there is a fire, the fire doesn't recognize whether your career or volunteer. It can kill without due regard.
we have a great relationship with our paid ff. their a neighboring dept. but we run all structure fires together. we respect them and they respect us.
Where I live it goes beyond paid and vol animosity. In our county there is 1 vol/paid combination department in the county seat and 7 volunteer departments in the county, most do not have a city tax base to operate from. For the most part we all get along very well and we all work together good but there are those that look down at us smaller rural fire departments, even among the volunteers. I have no use for nor do I associate with these people we are all out there laying it on the line just like the neighboring departments. We all have our differences but in the end if you can't trust the firefighter next to you your safety is compromised. When faced with those that think they are better than us whether paid or volunteer I do my best to focus on the task at hand and not let it be a distraction.
I would not normally get myself involved in this type of discussion but I feel I should this time. I work in the fire protection industry which in turn puts me in touch with quite a few paid FF. I also know a lot of volunteers that had the opportunity to become paid FF and have taken it as well as stayed volunteers at their home station. What it comes down to is "Treat others as you want to be treated". If you want to be respected then it is respect you must give to those that are above you. Career or Volunteer to me has no difference to me as far as respect goes.

I have never dealt with the animosity between Career and Volunteer simply because I refuse to play into it. Respect each other, work with each other, get to know each other, and you will see for yourself that there is no difference. I feel this way even though I would give just about anything to be a career firefighter. Being a volunteer I still look up to and idolize the career guys. I mean come on who wouldn't want to make a career out of what you love to do for free. I would and hopefully will some day soon.
I have been a vol. For going on 16 yrs. I have plenty of time spent with paid guys. The only thing I have really noticed is that most of your veterans of some time understand volunteers as to what were getting into today is to many young guys doing it for the 2 days off. And they don't have the respect for vols. As the older guys. But my advice is to just let them jabber on.
It depends on the town. Some depts will get along some will not.
Most paid FFs started out as Vols. most of the ones that has attitude has just gotten a big head. They just forget were they came from.As far as I am concerned we all are here for the same purpose,paid or vols.
I am a vol from ohio Our goals are all thge same protect life over property. We are all brothers in for the same common goal eaven though some people dont look at it like that. Dont loose focous we all scratch each outhers back at times.


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